hey y'all

4 0 0

immm aliveeeeeeeeeeeniei9whseheojd XD

Okay with that lil' cringey thing aside, sorry I haven't updated :P

I know y'all prob wanted to read another chapter n' all, which y'all will see after this update.

I'm sorry I haven't updated...

Life isn't treating me the best as of now, and I was undergoing a lot of stress recently, alongside with a lot of homework, which is why I haven't really got a chance to write.

Anyways, I was going to publish the next chapter earlier, but I felt like another chapter had to be written. So instead of just published one chapter by itself, ya' gonna get two.

Also, hope ya' guys don't mind the slight change in the way I wrote for the two chapters.....

I do not know if it's gonna be that sort of same writing for later chapters.

So ye, imma head out.

- ikxriust.

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