Start from the beginning

"yeah... just surprised that's all." hyunjin played with his hands shyly while sitting on seungmin's bed. seungmin smiled at him before speaking. "well, now that you've been ranked, your scent finally released. and honestly it's kind of hard holding back for us alphas, especially since you smell so good."

hyunjin's cheeks flushed as he laughed. "wow i hate being an omega." seungmin looked over at him as he laid down on the bed. "don't. i like it. i like the way you are." hyunjin's breath hitched while he felt his cheeks grow redder. seungmin closed his eyes as he was slowly drifting to sleep until he felt a weight crush him. "oh minnie! you always know what to say. you're my bestest friend ever!"

seungmin laughed and wrapped his arms around hyunjin for a hug. "let's go to sleep." hyunjin hummed and turned away from seungmin because he enjoyed being the little spoon. seungmin put his head on hyunjin's shoulder and inhaled his scent before falling asleep. "good night minnie."

"night hyunjin."

as morning came, hyunjin's loud alarm rang through the room. seungmin groaned while covering his face with his blankets while hyunjin laid asleep, mumbling small words. seungmin whined in annoyance until he finally shook hyunjin awake. hyunjin jumped up while shouting. "i swear i didn't eat your jokbal minho!" seungmin rolled his eyes and told hyunjin to shut his alarm. hyunjin fell off the bed and groaned as his body crashed onto the ground. eventually he stood up and walked over to the nightstand and shut his phone. he giggled as he sat on the bed. "sorry minnie, i'm such a heavy sleeper that i never hear my alarm."

seungmin hummed while going back to sleep. he was usually a morning person but last night he kept waking up feeling sweaty, hot, and bothered, and the fact that hyunjin's scent was all over him, his bedsheets, and his room wasn't helping. he didn't understand why, or perhaps he did, but right now all he wanted to do was sleep. suddenly his mother barged into the room. "seungmin! rise and- oh! sorry to disturb i'll be out of my way."

hyunjin's face grew red as he scurried to the door. "mrs. kim! it's not what it looks like." seungmin laughed, finally awake due to his mother's yelling.
he put on his glasses and snorted when he got a clearer view of hyunjin's messy bedhead. "you look crazy." hyunjin pouted at him. "you don't look so good either so stop telling me things!"

seungmin walked over to his restroom and looked at himself in the mirror. he laughed at his puffed up hair and his distorted pajamas, soon he shut the door and began washing his face, brushing his teeth, and styling his hair.

when he got out he saw hyunjin was dressed in his clothes from yesterday, he had groomed his hair and washed his face. "your mother is calling us for breakfast."

"i'll be down in a bit just let me change." hyunjin hummed and walked down towards the kitchen. he greeted seungmin's mother as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. "so hyunjinnie, you're an omega right?" hyunjin nodded and fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt. "you like my seungmin? you two seem close suddenly. not to mention, his room smells heavily of you."

hyunjin's cheeks grew red as he laughed. "oh mrs. kim, you always know how to crack a joke. it's nothing of that sort, i just wanted to sleep over, like old times."

"but you two would be perfect for each other! you're an omega and he's an alpha, are you sure about it just being a sleepover?" hyunjin's eyes widened as he immediately became a stuttering mess. "mom enough."

seungmin's mom smirked at him, "oh come on minnie, don't act all innocent. you clearly invited him over because you wanted to mess around." seungmin ignored the fact that his face was heating up, while hyunjin choked at mrs. kim's words.

"the actual reason he is here is because he was uncomfortable going home yesterday because of his father. and just to clarify i don't 'mess around' with people, never have and never will. i'm waiting for my mate." hyunjin looked at seungmin with glossy eyes while pink dusted his cheeks. seungmin's mom laughed and pulled them into a hug. "my goodness babies, you always take jokes so seriously, loosen up!"

seungmin's mom then cleared her throat and served the both of them breakfast. "eat up children. if you need me, i'll be upstairs."

the two ate quietly, rethinking the situation that just happened. truthfully, the both of them were used to this kind of thing considering that people at school used to ship them together, but now that their wolves are basically "made" for each other according to nature, it's a bit different this time, but they don't let it bother them.

hyunjin was first to break the silence. "so any plans you have lately?" seungmin took a sip of water while thinking. he didn't really have plans if he was being honest. he was always either busy training or studying so he wouldn't go out much. "hm i don't really have anything planned, how about you?"

hyunjin smiled brightly at seungmin and suddenly got excited. "oh my god! i won tickets to this amusement park and i think we should go!"

seungmin raised his eyebrow at hyunjin, "and where exactly are these tickets."

hyunjin's excited mood immediately died down, he just recalled that he was currently avoiding his house due to his father's hatred. "they're in my... room... at my house. but! my father works throughout the day so we can go right now and i can bring spare clothes and everything i need!"

seungmin nodded at the idea, feeling internally sad for his best friend that he was scared to go home, but that the same time he was happy, though he'd never admit why. "we can go right now if you'd like."

"yes we should get going, my dad should have already entered work so we'll be fine. my mother too." seungmin and hyunjin finished eating, washed their plates, and thanked mrs. kim for the breakfast. suddenly soomin and her sister walked out of their rooms. soomin shrieked and hid from hyunjin, she currently had no makeup on and her hair was a disheveled mess, she couldn't let hyunjin see her like this.

seungmin rolled his eyes and grabbed his car keys. "come on hyunjin, we should get going now."
hyunjin nodded and followed seungmin out the door and into the car.

thank you for reading if you see this and i hope you enjoyed! i might double update if i have time later today.
— steph

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