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The changes that started happening to me were subtle. I grew, but only a couple of inches. I chalked up the mood swings to P.M.S. Mollie had never gotten it, but we'd never been exactly the same. I'd always been a tiny bit taller. That was the only way people could tell us apart.

People started acting different around me. There was whispering in other rooms. My senses were getting stronger, and I heard more than my family thought I did.

On the way home from school on a Monday, I could hear my mom whispering before I was able to see the house through the trees.

"Jacob, I'm so nervous."

"Shh. Go ahead upstairs," he responded.


"Did you hear that?" I asked A.J. from my seat right behind him as he drove.

"Huh? Hear what?" he said.

"I guess not. Never mind," I said slumping back down in my seat.

I was feeling very pissy. I couldn't help it, it was Monday after all. Going to school after two days of freedom made it suck even more.

When we pulled into A.J.'s spot in the driveway, I saw Dad sitting on the front porch with Asa.

"Hey, buddy. Go find your Mom," he said to Asa, and sent him into the house.

We piled out of the truck Dad got for Anthony, on the condition that he start working and pay him back.

The rest of us started to follow Asa into the house, but Dad stopped me.

"Hang on, babe." He looked so...serious. "How about we take a little walk in the woods?"

"Um, okay." I shed my book bag and my coat, no longer needing to pretend I'd be cold without it for the sake of my human classmates. I left my stuff and followed him as he started to walk toward the trees.

This could not be good. Internally, I started to freak out a little, but I tried to hide it.

At least he didn't beat around the bush.

"Your sister said that you were shaking in class today," he told me.

What a freaking tattle tale! "When did you talk to her?" I demanded.

"What happened?" he asked, ignoring my question.

I'll deal with Mollie later.

I shrugged. "I was really mad."

"How come?" he asked, as we both ducked under a low branch.

"That teacher gives us a crap ton of homework every day! Even over the weekend, she can't ever give us a break. She actually gives us more on the weekends. I hadn't done mine because it's a joke. Maybe she should do her damn job and actually teach us at school!" I said angrily.

He stopped walking and turned to face me. He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Xandra, have you ever gotten so mad that you can feel it in your stomach like you're about to explode?"

"Yes," I admitted softly.

"Do you feel that way now?"

"Sort of."

"Do you understand why?"

"Yes," I said as I started to tremble harder.

"It's okay, let yourself feel it."

"No, no it's not. I don't want to."

Because as soon as I do, life as I know it is going to be gone forever.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now