Once I was satisfied that they were all ready for tomorrow, I put on my nightshirt and got into bed. Jake pouted at me as he got in with me.

"What?" I asked as he climbed on top of me, and hovered over me.

"I've been making eyes at you all night, and you haven't even noticed!" he said.

I laughed softly and reached up with both of my hands to hold his face. "Aw, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you," I promised in a whisper as he trailed his fingertips up and down my thigh.

"Uh-huh," I said, parting my legs.

He took quick advantage of the fact that I don't wear underwear to bed.

Once we both were satisfied and sweaty, we rested our heads on the same pillow and chatted.

"Just think. Once Asa starts school too, I'll have you all to myself, all day long," he said.

"After you told your dear friend's mother you'll help out at her store a couple days a week?" I teased.

"Only a couple," he said, squeezing me tightly. "Other than that, it's just me and you."


Pencils, pens, notebooks, calculator, folders...okay, I think I've got everything.

Oh, wait. Maybe I should get dressed. Yes, comfy as they are, I doubt anybody at school will be impressed by my pajama pants and bra.

As I was walking over to my closet, somebody knocked on my door. "Mollie?" Anthony said.

"You can come in."

He poked his head in the door.

"Geeze, Mollie! Put some clothes on!" he said, closing his eyes.

"Oh, who cares," I said, but threw on the first shirt I saw lying semi-clean on the floor. "You can look now."

He cautiously poked his head back in my room.

"We should leave in 20 minutes." He then added with a grin, "I told Swan ten."

"Good!" Hopefully, she wouldn't make us late.

I pulled on a pair of snug-fitting jeans, and a black Siouxsie and the Banshees band tee. For shoes, I decided to wear my white Converse high tops to match.

As I was sitting on the side of my bed, lacing them up, my phone went off.

"Ooo a text!"

I was excited to see it was from Seth.

Good morning! Hopefully, you're up by now. Are you all ready?

I typed back, and told him yes, almost.

Have an awesome first day, wish I could go with you. I wanna hear about it later!

I wrote back and thanked him, and said I'd call him tonight.

I'll be waiting,  I love you kiddo

I, of course, told him that I loved him too. I really did. Probably more then he knew.

He's so funny, and kind hearted. He's the kind of sweet person who will do anything for somebody who is important to him. It also doesn't hurt that he's the hottest guy in La Push, without question. Xandra didn't agree with me. She said he is cute, but it's not like he's Chris Hemsworth. And Thor got fat in Endgame so hot is he really?!

If Seth was a rock star, I'd definitely be throwing my panties at him.

I know it's not gonna happen, at least not today. He's a grown-ass man. So not today, but someday. Maybe soon, he'll say he loves me without adding "kiddo" after it. I just feel like he's the one for me.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now