"Thank you peanut." I took it and then hugged her.

"Of course." She smiled, biting her lip.

Just like mom.

But in every other way she was creepily a mini me.

I opened the gift, it was a picture frame, with a picture of all the kids.

I smiled and looked up.

"Thank you peanut, I love this."

"As I love you." She smiled brightly, and stood on her tippy toes.

I kissed her cheek and then she went to Natalie and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning mom."

"Good morning honey." She handed her a plate of food.

"Eat up before school."

"Where are my other children?"

"Wyatt is sick in bed, and Carlie, is.."

As if on cue, our youngest made noises, that woke the monitor to life.

"Awake, and her highness is waiting."  Natalie turned and smiled brightly at me.

I nodded in agreement, before taking to the stairs.

It had been hard to get rid of the house that we had made so many memories in.

Brought home our first 2 babies to.

But when Natalie got pregnant with the twins, it was time to move.

We were gonna go back to Chicago, but we both had fallen in love with Cali.

I pushed the nursery door open.

"Hi honey."

Carlie was making a distressed non stop noise, her head on her arm as she stared at the ground over her railing.

Her head popped up at the sound of my voice. She gasped.

"Dada!" She screamed.

Literally screamed.

I don't even know where she gets that much energy.

I lifted her up and pulled her paci out.

"Good morning sleepy head." I attempted to brush her crazy hair down, but it wasn't working.

"Swept hed." She giggled.

"Yes you, sleepy head."

She giggled again. I set her down on the changing table, and changed her diaper.

When I tried to put her pajamas on she glared at me and kicked her legs.

"Fine, naked baby. No clothes."

I set her on the floor, and handed her her blanket.

She shoved her paci back in her mouth, and trotted out of the room.

I rolled my eyes. She's crazy.

I peaked into Wyatts room.

"Hi buddy."

"Hi dad." He mumbled.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just got a head ache."

"You gotta stop reading so much, and go to sleep at a decent time." I teased.

He rolled over and grunted in response.

I closed the door and walked down the stairs.

I picked up my camera and turned it on.

"Good morning guys! Today I'm 21."

"Right!" Natalie laughed and walked over to me, "just like you have been for the past 15 years?"

"Duh." I smiled down at her, holding the camera up.

"Ugh are you going to kiss...AGAIN?" Val gagged.

I turned the camera to her.

"Val doesn't like when we kiss, she thinks it's gross."

"It is." She grabbed the camera.

"Dad is 36 today, he's an old man now."


"Mom made chocolate chip pancakes though, because he's also 5 and it's his favorite." She shoved pancake into her mouth, and Caleb grabbed the camera.

"Hi guys! Mommy made mine look like Mickey!"

"Those are mine Cal." Quinn went to steal them, and Caleb flipped.

"Mine! You're not even 5! You can't have these!" He set the camera down.

And when he got his plate back, he picked the camera back up.

Like a true vlogger, "sorry guys, Quinn is really dumb."

"Hey that's not a nice word!" Natalie reprimanded.

"Neither is stealin my pancakes momma but he did it!"

"Touché kid." Quinn laughed, ruffling Calebs hair.

I wrapped my arms around my beautiful wife.

"I love you angel."

"I love you too." She mumbled, holding my arms she leaned back into me.

I kissed her shoulder as she shook with laughter over the kids fighting over the camera.

"Definitely your kids."

"I never doubted it." I laughed.

The beginning! I finally found inspiration, if your confused, go back to starting over, I have some typa intro for all the kids there.

Hope you enjoyed!

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