Proteus growled and was about to reach out for Ant before Kaiko intervened. She shot him a glare which seemed to silence him.

"Get away from Ant" Kaiko scowled at Proteus moving slightly in front of Ant.

They were led to a room, it was in a bad condition, pieces of the scrap metal of the wall were peeling off, it worse than their moon pool room.

Proteus unlocked the door letting them inside. Once the Nektons were all inside he slammed the door locking it behind him.

Inside the room to their surprise was Madeline and Finn.

"Where's Hammerhead?" Will asked looking around the room expecting to see the rest of the crew.

"And for the matter of fact, the rest of your crew?" Fontaine added.

"They abandoned ship" Finn said leaning against the wall.

"Without you?" Kaiko asked cautiously, she looked towards Finn for the answer. Then she noticed a cut on his upper arm.

"Yes" he responded shortly

"he said he'll come back for us"Finn added trailing off into barely heard whisper.

"Why is Alpheus here?" Will asked loudly.

Kaiko placed her hand on Will's shoulder.

"We has found something the other day, treasure. I suppose word got out" Finn replied shrugging.

"What sort of treasure?" Fontaine asked intrigued whether they 'found it' or more like 'stole it'

"I don't know, I've got a picture of you want" Finn said picking up his tablet which was placed on a crate next to the wall.

In the meantime Madeline and Ant were having their own fight, staring at each other with immense tension between the two. Finally Ant blinked making Madeline smile in triumph displaying a smug face.

As Finn handed the tablet, Kaiko got a closer look on the cut. It wasn't that bad of a cut but it still worried her. Will took the tablet from him and examined the treasure, plus the picture of the ship they had found.

"It's Lemurian.." Will muttered in disbelief taking a closer look a the design of the ship.

"That would explain why he's here" Fontaine said folding her arms over her chest.

"Lemurian? I've read about that" Finn said quietly muttering to himself.

Ant heard this, "where did you read about Lemuria" he exclaimed attracting everyone's attention to Finn.

Finn didn't respond nor Madeline.

"Finn?" Kaiko said quietly.

"In a diary we had found" he said more louder than before.

"A diary, which one" Will asked anticipating on the answer.

Before giving the chance for Finn to respond, Alpheus unlocked the door.

"Where is the captain?" He scowled looking towards Finn and Madeline.

"I thought he would come back after receiving news I've got you two" he said looking around the room.

"I really doubt that," Finn said smiling "he has got the treasure, we don't even know where he is let alone the treasure"

"I'm not looking for the treasure"  Alpheus scowled a frown on his face.

"Then what are you looking for?" And asked.

"Something that could lead me to Lemuria" he responded looking about the room.

"Alpheus, we have to leave, I'm searched the ship, there is nothing on board" Proteus said as he boarded Alpheus' sub.

"Goodbye Nektons" Alpheus sighed before  smiling, pressing a button on his communicator "I'm guessing we'll meet again"

A loud rumbling sound could be heard as the ship trembled violently. Alpheus pressed a button on his wetsuit which made a helmet extend over his head. A sudden wave of water could be heard before it came rushing around the corner.

"Oh no," Ant exclaimed, "hold on!".




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