Chapter 4

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I hopped out of bed, throwing the warm comforter from off my tiring body. Anthony was at it again with the horrible dreams. All I could hear him screaming was, "Please stop" or "I don't want to," and with a suspicious mother as me, I'm only thinking this could be Vivian trying to bleach him or child molesting but I'll lay low for now. I scooped Anthony from his race car bed I got since his favorite character was Cars, and held his hand since I wasn't about to carry his big self. I rubbed my dreary eyes that felt heavy still and noticed i didn't pick Anthony up, so Anita must've dropped him off.
"What would you like for breakfast?" I asked my son seeing him struggle trying to sit in the high seats.
"Oatmeal please." He responded as he finally got in the chair and waited on me to make his breakfast.
The whole time my mind was buzzing. Chresanto was still on my mind and I knew I needed to stop that, but I just couldn't. A part of me desperately hoped him and Anita would just break up and the other part of me is like if they do break up, your the first one going to be hearing about they mess so why get your hopes up if there's always a flip side. I handed him his oatmeal, adding just the right amount of sugar and watched him a while before deciding he was okay.
I headed back upstairs seeing my bed sprawled around with comforters and sheets that I haven't neatly fixed. I sighed and heard Anthony scream a horrifying yelp. Like any other mother, I Allison Felixed down the steps seeing my poor son gripping his scraped, bloody knee as tears ran down his cheeks. He rolled from side to side, while I immediately rushed over to his side grabbing him into my motherly arms as I set him on the toilet seat. I opened the medicine cabinet, while Anthony continued his screams which got annoying after a while. In my hand was rubbing alcohol, and a bandaid. I used a plastic cup that we usually use for mouth wash, and filled it with water since it was going to be discarded anyway. I poured just enough water over his wound and ,as predicted, more tears streamed down his already stained cheeks with a painful sob. I kissed his forehead hoping that would help which really didn't.
"Shhhhh..." I cooed to him, hearing nothing but me opening the cap to the rubbing alcohol and me crunch up the plastic cup, throwing it into the trash can.
I dabbed a bit of alcohol onto his wound with a gauge pad and kept him quiet even though I knew he desperately wanted to scream aloud. I added the adhesive bandage and kissed it once I covered it up. I wiped his tears with a piece of toilet paper and saw my reflection in his chocolate brown eyes. I sighed knowing he's a combination of both me and his father. Anthony let out a sleepy yawn stretching his arms in the process,getting the crook out of his neck like I usually do and hopped off the seat heading to what I'm guessing was his room. I followed him, hoping no other accident would occur. I hoisted him over my shoulder while small giggles escaped his lips, but this was just to prevent me from seeing a gash on his other knee or bruise on his arms. I carefully placed him in his Cars race car bed and kissed his cheek, tasting a bit of his salty tears that i must've missed. I made a quick bun using a pencil and skipped breakfast except for a bottle of water. I occasionally checked up on Anthony, then silenced the thoughts of getting with Chresanto once again, but something just wouldn't let me.
My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts as my "Pretty Hurts" ringtone sounded. I placed the phone to my left ear, listening closely for any movement by Anthony with my right.
"Hello?" I asked into the phone since all I heard was heavy breathing.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" The person asked in a low creepy whisper which I noticed was Aminah.
"Stop playing MiMi." I laughed hearing her do the same.
"Just wanted to call and tell you, Chresanto and Anita broke up." She said as my stomach began turning with different emotions.
My heart was beating out my chest as my words weren't even prepared to say anything yet. Of course I was happy but I just didn't want to get at him automatically, besides I don't know if he liked me or not.
"And your telling me for?" I asked hinting a sense of sarcasm.
"Oh come on, you know you like him. I'm going to set something up ok. Bye!Love you!" She said hurrying to hang up.
I paced the floors hoping Chresanto would say no, but of course if he did I would be heartbroken because that shows he doesn't like me. I scratched my back and headed towards the stairs, peeking into Anthony's room and then entered mine.
"So you see,it would mean the world if you went on this date. Please, I mean your a free agent so what's the big deal?"
He sighed on the other end and I knew I was on the verge to a break through if he would just respond with a yes.
"Ok." Chresanto said.
I did a mini- happy dance on the other end and calmed myself before I disturbed Pierre.
"Thank you so much. I'm sure you'll like her." I assured him while thanking him as well.
" Yeah....ok. Wait! Isn't Anita your friend, and your trying to hook me up with your other friend?" He asked as I didn't think he would think that far.
"Ummm got to go." I rushed ending the phone call as I heard him say something else but it was too late now. I quickly texted Annaleise, spreading the good news which she responded with an exclamation point. I knew she was going to be happy. I shut my phone off, hooking it back up to it's charger and readjusting myself in the bed. Pierre constantly tossed and turned which wasn't comfortable to me what so ever. My eyes finally began to close, making me see black as I drifted off to a deep sleep.

He smacked me which caused me to lay on the floor holding my cheek with my trembling hand. I kept my eyes closed, feeling the burning tears stain my cheek. I but my bottom lip, trying to take away the pain tasting some of the red lipstick I had applied earlier. I reopened my eyes not seeing him standing there anymore which frightened me more than anything. I gathered my money that was supposed to be for me when I did my job, but due to him being all to vicious that didn't happen, so that's why he smacked me when I tried to tell him no. I tip toed with my bare feet, clutching my pumps with my fingers. I sucked in my stomach, thinking that woulda me me lighter as I tipped across the creaking wooden floors.
I heard something drop in the kitchen and my heart had reached a maximum of 10. I wiped the sweat beads from my forehead, drowning in foundation, and kept a good pace down the steps. Heavy footsteps sounded towards me as u grabbed for the doorknob. Cold hands wrapped around my neck as a I could see a butter knife pressing against my neck. It's ridges were slowly digging into my skin as I held my tears and breath.

"Please.." I begged, letting a year escape from my eye.
"Oh now you want to beg?" He asked as I kept my eyes glued onto the weapon ready to kill me.
His nails began puncturing my arm as I felt tiny blood droplets begin sliding down my arm. He stopped as I thanked god in my head. I was now regretting my career switch but I just .....don't know actually. I seen his eyes travel my half-naked body as I kept the clothes even closer to my body.

"Why you trying to leave?" He asked me sounding all sweet and innocent when he just tried to kill me.

I swallowed and then opened my mouth not hearing any words come out. He took that as humerus and let out a loud bellowing laugh. I tightened my grip on the doorknob and waited for him to turn his back before I would run out of there like a maniac. Finally, after being assaulted by his perverting words and hands, he turned his back. I opened the door, still gripping my belongings and kept rubbing non stop. I felt the rubber band in between my fingers, signaling I still had the money which was good before I was punished for not making anything. I heard him angrily yelling something at me , but I was to far gone.

I recognized Pablo's purple Lambourghuini pulling along side me slowly rolling down the tinted windows.

"Where you going?" He asked as he stared at my half naked body.

I heaved in and out trying to catch my breath as I felt my mouth was dry.

"He ...tried to ...kill me." I panted handing him the money I had collected well stole.

He unraveled the money from it's band and counted pleased with his earnings. I still stood there bare footed with pebbles painfully pinching my feet.

"Get in." Pablo ordered as his command was music to my ears.

I slid in the the seat feeling the carpeted car floor which I rubbed, getting the rocks from under my aching feet. It was a silent ride as I kept glancing at Pablo every so often who I just noticed was very attractive. I hurried and ran in the house before he could manage another word, as I saw the girls turn their attention towards me since it seems I was the last one to return.

"I guess he must like. He never let's anyone except his girlfriend or family ride in his car." Gigi spat at me as I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs.

Masika was sprawled on her bed wrapped in her towel, with small snores escaping her mouth. I laughed to myself as I knew she was tired since she was always having a "customer." I went to our attached bedroom's bathroom and examined my face seeing it was as bad as I thought. I touched it lightly wincing from the pain and rubbing Neosporin on it. I set my heels in my closet, later with my whoreish dress and other accessories, grabbing my wash cloth and towel, heading back in the bathroom to wash up.

20 minutes later.....

I entered the room again seeing Masika already up with her pj's on. I lotioned up feeling my rough skin return back to it's soft feeling and slipped on a matching panty and bra set. My left cheek still burned from his painful slap but I tried my best to focus on other things. I was thinking I should call Annaleise or Anita because they're probably wondering where I am or maybe not. I'm still upset I had to give up my condo which costed more than you can imagine. I just needed a good night sleep and some tea.

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