Zayn;Ellie - Jealous.

Start from the beginning

Zayn's P.O.V.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Do i always start to have that stupid thing called a crush on people that have a boyfriend? It's like a curse i carry around me or something and then i always end up somehow confessing my feelings and being faced with rejection, The boys always wondered why i stopped getting girlfriends and i just brushed it off with a stupid reason such as i don't have time but really? It was because i hated being told i wasn't good enough but now it looks like i'll have to go through it all again.

 I watched as she walked away with her boyfriend that i learnt was now called Jake and how he pulled her chair out like a gentlemen then made her laugh whilst they looked at their menu's and i couldn't help but feel how i could be the one sat there doing all those things instead of him and the worst part? I didn't even try fighting with myself about how wrong it was i just continued to let myself believe i had a chance which i knew would probably come back to bite me in the backside at some point.

It took me a few minutes but i finally snapped out of my daydream to see everyone already tucking into the their chicken whilst mine stayed there untouched for a few more seconds until i cleared all thoughts of Ellie and Jake out of my head. I tried the best i could to eat but somehow even though they were on the other side of the resturant i could still hear that beautiful girls infectious laugh and that started to affect my appetite and heart more than i'd have like it to.

 Throughout the meal i stayed quite with my thoughts whilst everyone else talked amongst themselves and before i knew it everyone was finished and ready to go home, Katie went and spoke to Ellie before rejoining us back at the door and i couldn't help but notice that she had a mischevious look wiped all through her features which caused me to have a bit of worry as her plans never ended well for anybody.

 On the way home everyone was talking in hushed tones and i finally had enough so i made the driver pull over and decided to take a stroll to my favourite park just down the road where i passed kids all playing together on the swings and made my way over to a secluded part of the field out back where there was a bench i sat on everytime i came here and allowed myself to zone out and be alone with my thoughts once again.

Ellie's P.O.V.

 After Katie had told me about what happened in Nando's i couldn't help but laugh at the fact Zayn thought Jake was my boyfriend but at the same time it was kinda cute that he liked me in that way since all my past relationships have somehow ended in disaster. That's why after we'd finished our meals and i'd left Jake to head home i decided to go and pay a visit to the local park where i had a hunch the tanned, black haired boy would be.

 Once i arrived and went to the part of the park i usually saw him in my thoughts were confirmed as there he was sat on the same old bench lost with himself thinking like always. At first i didn't know whether to just go up and be up front about it or go easy and not cause him to have a heart attack. After much debating with myself i went with the second option and made my way round the side of the park and sat myself next to him on the bench deciding to wait for him to come out of his daydream.

 It took 20 minutes but he finally snapped out of his mind and jumped a little when he saw me sat next to him but soon softened when he realised i was on my own and nobody else had just seen his little 'getting scared by a girl' scene.

"E-Erm.... Hi?" He stuttered and i couldn't help but smile at how cute he sounded.

"Hey! Some pretty intense thinking you were doing there Zaynie" I joked and he gave an unconvincing chuckle as his face flushed a dark shade of pink.

"Yeah you could say that, What you doing here?" He asked and now i had to think of a reason as i couldn't tell him it was because i knew he'd be here.

"J-Just come to think yanoe, Same as you" I tried to persuade him but the smirking look on his face told me that he knew i was lying so i just hung my head down trying to hide the blush that was now invading my cheeks.

"Real reason?" He asked again and i knew i sucked at lying so decided on just telling him the truth..

"BecauseIMayHaveFollowedYouHere" I said really fast and his face changed from confused to amused making me blush heavier.

"It's okay i'm glad you followed me, That way i know you prefer me over your boyfriend" He winked and i couldn't help but for the second time that day burst out into laughter at the thought of him thinking Jake was my boyfriend.

"Y-You think J-Jakes my B-Boyfriend!" I said inbetween the constant fit of laughter that had now taken over.

"Well yeah" He sighed and i suddenly stopped laughing at the way his face looked pained to say that.

"Zayn, Jakes not my boyfriend. He's my GAY bestfriend" I giggled slightly and i noticed how his face suddenly became slightly happier.

"Sorry for getting so jealous, I can't help it" He sighed but i just continued to smile at his cuteness.

"It's fine because i happen to prefer a black quiffed hair guy anyway" I smirked and it took him a few seconds to work out what i meant and his face lit up like the northern lights.

"Maybe i should get jealous more often" He winked and i just laughed as i felt his lips on mine for the first time and it felt like both world wars were starting all over again.

"How about we give us a go?" He suggested and i nodded.

"I'd like that" I replied and he sealed our deal with world war three.


A;N Sorry it's bad Ellie, I stayed up till half 12 to write this and i'm shattered but yeah, If i get time i'll edit it and make it better(:


Danielle yours is next

Lindzi yours is after danielle

That's all

Peace and Love xox

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