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"CALUM GET IT IN!!!!!!,"



"DO YOU WANT IT IN OR NOT, OKAY THEN NOW PRESS X THEN TRIANGLE THEN UP THEN DOWN DAMN IS IT THAT HARD TO GET THE BALL IN THE BASKET ALICE!!!," Calum yells at me and I scream back at him as well. You probably thought we were having sex but we weren't just so you know. We were playing basketball on his Ps something I'm not really into video games only Annabelle is.

"Calum," I say and he looks at me raising in eyebrow and I look at our handcuffed hands then back to his puppy dog face. He stops me from drooling anymore by kissing my nose.

"You were about to drool an ocean what is it? We can do something today Ms. Oliver is babyitting for us," he says as he tries to play basketball without me, we were playing one on one and I was AFK the entire time my character kept getting knocked over Calum's character that always dribbled laps around me.

"Shut the fuck up I was not drooling at all and if I was look who's talking you always stare at my ass when I change even when I tell you to stop, I just wanted to tell you that I start school next week," I say and Calum's eyes widen and mumbles "shit" under his breath.

"I didn't know it would be so soon, promise me something when you go back to school," he says and pauses the uneventful game and grabs both of my hands which is sort of uncomfortable and looks into my eyes.

"Don't let anyone judge you and remember I'll be at home waiting for you, take it this way I'll be your bitch clean for you, cook for you, have s*x with you, all that," as he says this my expression goes from serious to anger. Calum is stupid that's all I'm going to say he is utterly stupid.

"Calum you can include the clean and cook part but not the s*x part not happening also this means no more handcuffs," I say with a smile and Calum pouts and he surprises me by wrapping both of his arms around my waist.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MENTION THAT ALICE WHY?????!!!! THAT MEANS I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR CUTE YET ANNOYING BUTT EVERY SINGLE WAKING HOUR," Calum yells into my stomach which tickles. I pat his head slowly and he looks up at me and gives me this cute smile.

"I'm being sarcastic but I will miss seeing you when I wake up," he says and I roll my eyes but smile at him back. Calum was acting weird also today like he had more energy than usual. It surprised me.

"We should go to the beach and play football or volleyball," I suggest, Nikolai kept me up all night and so I asked Annabelle's mother very politely to babysit him. Calum nods and turns off his station and we both get up and go to my house (most of his clothes were in my room anyways) and we changed with Calum turning the other way. I was wearing a high waisted type of bathing suit with a dress on top of it, Calum went shirtless wearing his banana trunks.

"Hi monkey boy," I joke and he rolls his eyes and people still stare at us because of the handcuffs. We're also holding hands I let him since he was going to "miss" me so much next week and the rest of the months that I have to go to school. The walk to the beach was not a long one but I heard a familiar voice coming from the back of us and we both turned around.


"Alice oh my God you look gorge wow, you remember me don't you?," he asks and he looks gay as ever, with high water jeans and a tight button down shirt and he takes off his sunglasses and looks at Calum in a seductive way. Ew. Calum looks away from him and stares at me.

"Hi Benjamin yeah I remember you, uh this is Calum my friend," I say and Calum rolls his eyes and I step on his feet a bit and he stands up taller after all he is over 6 feet tall. Benny is still looking at him then he looks disappointed at our handcuffed intertwined hands.

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