Chapter 49: False Notions

Start from the beginning

"Rika, Shino, Keiko, does the name 'Shoji' ring you all a bell?" Kirito asks the three. To his amazement though, all of the girls look shocked, especially knowing that they all know the boy indeed. The three all consider Shoji a great friend, but why would Kirito be calling him a moron?

"...Yeah. Lisbeth and I helped him to infiltrate Kamura HQ after he told us that Yuna's developer tainted her mind and did this behind Shoji's back." Shino tells Kirito, who was well-aware of this past event. Asuna called Kirito to ask for aid when Shoji required it, awaiting a solution from the black-clad warrior himself.

"But why do you say he is a moron? Did he do something bad?" Silica asks Kirito. Kirito almost has to laugh because of the little girl's question, because he is so certain he is right about this situation. Because that's who Kirito is. Once he has a thought he is so certain about, he won't let go of that thought, even if he would be wrong about it in the end.

"...If he did something bad. To keep is as appropriate as possible, we all did something with SAO's <Ethic Code>. Liz and Silica may know about it, but you probably wouldn't, Shino." And indeed, Shino has no clue what Kirito is talking about. Sinon looks at Lisbeth, asking for clarification. Liz moves her head towards Shino's head, whispering what the Ethic Code exactly meant. Hearing what Liz had to tell her, Shino had to cough once due to really not expecting that kind of answer. She also wouldn't know what to think of Kirito, doing something like that in the middle of a VRMMO.

"You all do it in the middle of ALO's dungeon? What in the world are you..." Shino then pauses herself, not allowing herself to complain any further. Kirito also didn't know what he was thinking back then, at first he also didn't like the idea that Asuna gave him, about making in in the middle of ALO's Dungeon Raid. Shino then allows herself to catch her breath again, continuing talking.

"Anyway, how is this related to hating Asuna and Shoji?" Lisbeth asks. Even though the three girls all got a feeling regarding what Asuna did wrong here, they got no idea how this is related to Shoji. And especially because they're questioning this, Kirito is happy enough to shed some light on this subject...


"Please, take a seat." I tell my marveling looking girl, who follows my lead and sits down on one of my chairs, with me sitting in front of her. Hesitating to begin what I want to tell her, I just decided to go with it. There is no need to stall any longer, since Yuna already knows that something is up because of my sudden behavior.

"When we returned from Tetsuhiro today, I've told you about Yuuki right?" In agreement, she nods. That means she also knows that she is deceased with HIV, thus not being able to recover from it. "Well, she asked a favor of me, and I... accepted." Right away, Yuna was really curious about what kind of favor she asked of me. She also could tell I was nervous about it, so she wouldn't want to let go of me until I told her the harsh truth.

"What kind of favor?" she asks me, with a smile like the sun on her face. I really hope she will be able to maintain her beautiful smile, after I tell her the one thing that could absolutely destroy our relationship. Destroying it or not, it's entirely my fault that this may become a reality, but it also depends on how she sees my reasoning.

"Yuuki asked me to... do it with her. I... agreed." For a short moment, we both kept silent. It was a silence that seemed to last for a lifetime, but I knew that this was a moment where I had to look at the girl with the right expression to let her know I feel terrible about it. From a smile, her face turned into a frown. She refuses to look me into my eyes, and instead looks down towards her legs.

"She is a dying girl, she loves me for a while now and if I refused her offer it would break her heart! She wanted to experience love with the one she loved most before she..."

"Stop talking." Yuna then demands of me, not allowing me to finish my sentence. I understand why she forced me to quit talking, but if I wouldn't explain the situation to her, everything could get even worse.

That's why I didn't obey.

"...Before she may not be alive to experience love anymore. Like everyone else, she deserves to know what it feels like, and she wanted me to..."


Before I realized what happened, I was laying on the ground. This felt identical to what Tetsuhiro delivered to me: A fatal punch to the head. Yuna's fist was way softer than Tetsuhiro's, but it still hurts like hell. Especially because she hits me at the exact location where Tetsuhiro did.

I look up to the girl, whose knuckles were bleeding. I couldn't tell whether it was her knuckle that was bleeding, or if it was my own blood dripping from her knuckles. She looks at me, afraid of what she just did. Despite her fears though, I can read the expression of her face. She disgusts me, she has never felt this disgusted at me ever before. Her eyebrows greatly tell how she is filled with absolute rage, ready to hit me once more if I dare to oppose her.

"What the hell were you thinking!? Even if she is a dying person, you don't fuck with the one who isn't your beloved one!" she tells at me. I don't blame her for being angry. In fact, I anticipated she would be, even while I was certain she shouldn't be when Yuuki and Asuna ensured me she would stay calm.

It's strange. I regret my decision, but I also don't.

"I... need a lot of time to think. If I don't return, consider this goodbye." Yuna tells me, telling herself that this would be her last resort. With my focus laying on the bleeding as well, which clearly came from my head once again, I almost didn't notice she was walking away.

"W..Wait, Yuna!" I call out for her name, trying to stand up in order to chase her. As soon as I got back up, I slipped again, feeling powerless just like I were back at Tetsuhiro's. However, I won't let my body get the best of me. I stand up, even though I may faint if I would keep continuing.

With my vision being blurry, I chase the girl, who then summoned her mascot who she named Keiko, flying away. It was impossible for me to catch up, even though I try my hardest to get to her. Before I fall again, the only thing I can see while looking up in the sky is a glimpse of the diva, looking back at me. She says something to me, but I can't hear it since she's too far away.

If I could make something out of her lip movements, I would assume she said:

"Don't worry."

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