tom and Y/n meet jake and the twins

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Tom's POV

I unzipped the suitcase.

Than jake said "twins in here."

Then I said "hey guys."

Then Lee said "sir yes sir."

Then Jake said "trying to be a wise guy. "

Then Y/n said with  a growl following after"trying to be an idiot and a jerk or are you always this dumb and mean." She glared he face her with the same glare her ey glow the light yellow.

Then lee said "oh you're really gonna get it now." She glare softened when she saw the twins that Jake was being a jerk to Lee looks at her and shuts up.

Then Jake said "get these out of here."

Then I said "wow, wow ,wow why do you get the best room  we were here first. "

Then Jake said "well I'm here now."

Then I said "I'm older."

Then Jake said "I'm bigger." I could literally hear Y/n roll her eyes.

Then I said "did you grow sense Christmas."

Then Jake said "two inches cuz. I can tag a stop sign with ou even have to jump. How's mathleats?"

Then I said "I don't do mathleats anymore. "

Then Jake said "tired of getting bet up." Then my dad yelled at me and Y/n to help unload.

Then Jake said "close my door on the way out."

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