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Zach stood up nervously, the man stood directly In front of him and made no attempt to move at all as Zach started slowly taking his clothes off. He couldn't understand why he felt so nervous and shy under this mans Intense gaze, and he couldn't understand why someone as gorgeous as him would be paying an escort like some sleazy pervert.

Unbuttoning his shirt and removing It the man stared hungrily at Zach's body, If there was one thing Zach was proud of It was his body. It excited him knowing what effect he was having on the man In front of him. He unbuckled his belt and pulled down the zip on his jeans slowly taking them off. This wasn't half as bad as he thought It was going to be he thought to himself looking at the man staring at his well defined abs and pecs.

"Don't forget them" the man whispered seductively pointing to his tight boxers as Zach just stood there staring In to space nervously.

Fuck maybe I'm not as brave as I thought I was, he nervously panicked.

Pulling his boxers down he covered his dick with his hands, and stood back up straight, awkwardly staring at the wall.

"Remove your hands" the man whispered In his ear suddenly making Zach flinch.

"You have a beautiful body" the man said as he walked around him checking him out.

"Remove your hands" the man told him again.

Removing his hands reluctantly the man smirked seeing him already semi hard.

"You are beautiful" the man said as he looked In to Zach's face.

"Thank you" Zach said not realizing that his voice said It with a whine.

The man stepped closer In front of him and looked down at his cock, Zach watched the man chewing his bottom lip.

 Zach was shocked when he heard himself unintentionally groan as his cock jerked In response to the man chewing his lip. The man smiled at him and all Zach felt was his cock get even harder.

"You're perfect" the man whispered looking up at him, Zach tried to stifle a moan as his cock dribbled out pre-cum. .

"Okay I've seen enough, put your clothes back on." The man said as he looked at him In the eyes.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Get dressed, If you need to sort that out" the man said smirking looking down at Zach's hard cock, "then go to the bathroom."

Zach was so hard he needed some form of release so he grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom to sort himself out.

Fuck I can't get the Images of the man out of my head, he thought to himself as he quickly beat his meat visualizing the man watching him and looking at his cock. He had never got off before from thinking of any man, and It was not the time and place to analyse why he was right now, he just needed to hurry up and release so he let the thoughts flow naturally. It did not take long at all for him to reach his peak and shoot his load, thinking of the man's mouth wrapped around his cock.

Quickly washing up and getting dressed he came out of the bathroom to see that the man had   already left the room. What the actual fuck he thought to himself looking around. He picked up an envelope that had been left on the bed It was full of money and a note.


"Hey Sarah"

"Hey Zach, long time no see, are you coming over?"

"Yes, I'm going to get a taxi right now I'll see you soon" said Zach as he made his way out of the hotel.

"Hi Zach you look as gorgeous as ever" she said grabbing him as soon as he entered her flat.

Kissing him frantically and ripping his clothes off as they made their way to the bedroom. Pushing him down on the bed Sarah got between his legs quickly "I've missed you Zach, I want you so bad" she said as she sucked his cock straight Into her mouth.

Sarah had fancied Zach ever since they attended the same school, they had tried to hook up a few times previously, but each time just ends up a flop.

"Fuck In hell, why do you never get hard for me" she asked a few minutes later pissed.

"I don't know, I do try Sarah" Zach said looking defeated.

"Do you ever get hard for anyone?" If you don't I think you need to go to see the doctor" Sarah snorted.

"What you saying, that my dick Is broken?" chuckled Zach.

"Well If you can't get hard for anyone then yeah something Is wrong" said Sarah looking concerned.

"I have got hard but........" Zach trailed off.

"You know you can tell me anything Zach, so what's up because this Is definitely not?" Sarah said as she let go of his cock.

"I'm not exactly sure Sarah."

"C'mon tell me what's wrong, me and you have been friends forever you know you can tell me anything." She said as she moved and laid down next to him.

"It's a fucking guy, I can't get this fucking guy out of my head." 

"A man! fuck wow Zach I didn't know you where Into men."

"I'm not, but this guy..ugh fuck I don't know."

"Tell me what happened."

"Nothing really happened, well apart from me wanking myself off thinking of him. But fuck, I never wanted anyone to touch me as badly as I wanted him too."

"What the hell Zach, where did you meet him?"

"Fucking Darren, It's one of his clients."

"So you let one of Darren's sleazy clients fuck you for money?"

"No It wasn't like that, he only wanted to see me naked that's It, no touching or nowt he just wanted to look at me."

"I can't believe you let a man look at what Is mine."

"Sarah come on, first off we agreed the stuff between us was just a bit of fun."

"Fun for who though, not for me you can't even get It up. Maybe you are gay."

"I'm fucking not! I only done It because I needed rent money, Darren broke his leg so I helped him out."

"But I've  told you loads of times before you could move In with me Zach."

"Sarah you know I don't do commitment, I'm not ready for any of that relationship stuff I need to sort my life out first and find a stable well paying job"

"So what Is this guy that you can get hard for like then?" Sarah said a bit peeved and jealous.

"To be honest he's drop dead gorgeous, water blue eyes, long lashes, dark brown hair, full sexy lips, shit! what am I even saying."

"Sounds like you really like him, are you seeing him again?"

"Yeah he wants to see me again, he said he has a proposition for me."

"Great, that's nice" Said Sarah clearly annoyed with envy In her tone.

"Anyways I'm going to get dressed and go" he said giving her a quick peck on the lips and getting up. 

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