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"Two dragonets? That's all you managed? Two?"

The SeaWing before her winced slightly, and Everblaze allowed herself a moment's satisfaction. Even though Barracuda supposedly ranked above her, he still feared her rath, which was better for both of them. Not that he had much of a choice about it, anyways. Everblaze had long ago enchanted him to agree with everything she said without him knowing she'd done it.

"Dragonets aren't easy to come by," Barracuda replied meekly. "If you'd let us go after eggs instead..."

Everblaze whipped her tail across his snout, red and orange scales flashing. "I do not need eggs, I need dragonets!" she snapped. "You're lucky you have different uses, or else I would have disposed of you long ago!"

Barracuda recoiled from the larger SkyWing. "We'll get more!" he promised. "We just need time!"

"I do not have time," Everblaze growled. "But since two dragonets are all I have, two dragonets are what I will use." She looked over Barracuda, the orange and red flame patterns on her scales flickering. "And for your sake, I hope you manage to get more next time."

The SkyWing whipped around and stormed off towards the chamber that held the captive dragonets, her SeaWing companion in tow.

"Those are my future soldiers?" Everblaze asked Barracuda a few minutes later in a disappointed tone when she caught sight of the IceWing and RainWing.

They were huddled together, shivering, and the RainWing's scales were source white that matched the IceWing. When they saw Everblaze watching, the RainWing drew its wings tightly around herself and the IceWing bared his teeth, growling weakly.

Both dragonets were no bigger than Everblaze's head, and couldn't be more than a few weeks old. All in all, they weren't exactly impressive to look at.

"You didn't exactly specify how old you wanted them," Barracuda protested. "We figured younger ones would be easier to subdue and train..."

"Subdue, maybe, but train...not so much." Everblaze snorted. "Trust me, I have much better ways of bending them to my will."

Suddenly, the IceWing dragonet lunged and sunk his teeth into Barracuda's leg. The SeaWing yelped, trying to shake the creature off unsuccessfully. Everblaze laughed, and then reached over and peeled the IceWing off, holding him at arm's length.

"Well aren't you a feisty one," she chuckled. "You'll do well, I think."

Barracuda rubbed the puncture marks, shooting deadly looks at his former assailant. "Can we get this over with," he muttered, gesturing at the handful of dragons who were making their way into the room.

Two of the newcomers were shackled together with thick chains, their snouts bound shut with metal bands. One of them was a HiveWing with dark black scales and small red dots on his snout and spine. The other was a RainWing who's scales were completely red, showing her anger.

"Welcome," Eveblaze announced grandly, motioning for the guards accompanying the prisoners to push them farther into the room. "I am Everblaze, and this is Barracuda."

The HiveWing glared at her poisonously, while the RainWing turned an even more brilliant shade of red, if that was even possible. 

"I heard you are both deadly warriors, are you not?" Everblaze continued. "That is why you are here. I just want you to do a simple thing for me...kill those dragonets. Then you can go free." She pointed at the pure-white RainWing and the IceWing she held.

The HiveWing growled, but looked hopeful. The RainWing's expression didn't change at all.

"I see you still don't trust me. But I promise, neither I, nor any of my servants will harm you." the oddly-colored SkyWing added. "One second." She reached over and grabbed the RainWing dragonet, holding both her and the IceWing dragonet up to her snout.

Lowering her voice so everyone except for Barracuda couldn't hear her, Everblaze whispered her enchantment. "I enchant these dragonets to obey my every command, and share all of my powers, except for animus magic and immortality. Instead, every time they die, they will come back to life in a copy of the form of their killer, or as the nearest dragon to them at the time of their death."

Finished, Everblaze set both of the dragons back down. "Unchain them," she ordered her guards, motioning at the prisoners.

Soon both the HiveWing and the RainWing were free, and they advanced on the dragonets. With swift brutality, both the IceWing and the younger RainWing were dead within seconds, their necks snapped and their scales clawed to shreds.

"Good job," Everblaze commented idly. "Feel free to leave."

The two former prisoners shared confused looks, and then bolted for the door. 

Not long after they left, the two corpses started to shiver. Their eyes glowed an eerie gold, and they started to change forms. The IceWing grew and his scales turned into an almost exact replica of the HiveWings', while the dead RainWing turned into a copy of the elder one.

Soon the two of them were alive once more, looking like confused versions of their killers. Except for one difference; one each of their necks was a dark grey dot.

"Excellent," Everblaze murmured. "Simply excellent."

"What just happened?" the HiveWing asked, rubbing his head as if it were sore.

Everblaze smiled widely. "And you're intelligent, too," she smirked, glancing at Barracuda. "What should I name them?"

The SeaWing shrugged, still looking shell-shocked. "Um...Reborn and Reincarnate?"

"No...that's too obvious," Everblaze replied. "I think Reaper." She tapped the HiveWing's snout. "And Seer." She tapped the RainWing. 

"What do you want from us?" Reaper asked, tilting his head from side to side.

"Let me think," the SkyWing said smugly. "Oh yes. Go kill your murderers." 

As one, Reaper and Seer left the room, obeying her command instantaneously.

"Yes, this will work well," Everblaze murmured. "Very well indeed."

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