
The field was already crowded with people that had PE class too. Finn was one of them and it really pissed me off but I decided not to pay much attention to him.
„Lexa!" Guess I failed at that.
„What?" I turned around with annoyed look and crossed my arms.
„Where can I find Clarke after this class?" He asked with heavy breaths since he had to run to catch up with me.
„And why would I tell you that exactly?" I raised my eyebrow.
„I just wanna talk." He put his arms up in surrender.
„Yeah you always say that but never do actually."
„Come on Woods."
„Fuck off Finn. That's all you gonna get from me." I turned around and continued walking towards the dressing rooms.

I closed the door behind me with a loud bang and threw my bag on the ground from anger.
Why does he always asks me about Clarke? As if I would tell him. Idiot.

„Are you okay?" Harper peaked from behind the lockers.
„Yeah. All good." I sighed and looked down.
„Yes." I put my fingers on my nose and closed my eyes.
„Sorry for that. I didn't know someone's actually gonna be here." I pointed at the door behind me with my thumb.
„It's fine. Don't worry about it." She gave me reassuring smile and changed her shirt.
„You should change. The class starts in 2 minutes." Harper informed me as she walked past me and left the dressing room.
„Shit." I took off my shirt and searched for the one I use for PE.

I ran outside on the field to start with the others.
„Just on time Woods!" Kane shouted when he saw me approaching.
I quickly stretched and listened to what we was saying.
„We're gonna run this track today. I wanna see how fast you are and how strong your condition is." That shouldn't be a problem.
„Come on!  Get ready." He clapped his hands and pointed at the start line.

We were all standing there waiting for Kane to blow a whistle.
„Go." He did and we all started running as fast as we could.
It was easy to be honest. I was running fast and almost at the front.
Some girls were faster but I tried to race them and I did but I was slowly running out of breath.
„Excellent work Woods!" Kane exclaimed when I finished as first one.
„Thank you." I managed to say between heavy breaths as I placed my hands on my knees. But I felt dizzy.
„Hey, hey. Sit down and breathe." Kane caught me when I almost fell on the ground.
„I'll get you water." I sat down and tried to catch some air.
„Here." Kane handed me a water bottle and I took a big sip.
All I could do was give him a small nod as thanks. This never happened before. I always tried to keep my body fit and in condition. Maybe I was getting sick.

„Take it slow for the rest of the day okay? You can go change now. It's was more than enough." Kane placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me encouraging smile.

„Okay everybody! Let's continue!" He shouted at the others while I left to take a cold shower to dressing room.
I took off my shirt and rest of the sport clothes. Cold water was all I needed.


„Hey babe." Clarke wrapped her hands around my neck when I approached her by her locker.
„Hi. What's up?" I asked and placed my hands on her waist.
„Nothing much. Just wanna go home already." She rolled her eyes but smiled.
„Yeah. Excited for the beach tonight." I softly kissed her after I said that.
„Do we have any classes together today?"
„I don't think so." She sighed.
„Well I guess I'll see you tonight then."
„Speaking of that. You don't have to pick me up I'll go with Octavia, Lincoln and the others." She quickly kissed my lips when she heard the bell ring.
„Gotta go. Love you." She let go of me and turned around as she walked away and disappeared behind the corner of the hall.

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