Chapter 1- Who the hell is that guy?

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Lily's POV~

When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain. Good and evil. A savior and a lost cause. But what if the only difference between them is who's telling the story? My father was the hero in many stories, but he was also the villain in others. My name is Lillian Forbes-Salvatore. And behind these gates is a school for people like me. Witches, werewolves, vampires and everything in between. Tonight during the full moon, we open the gates for someone new. What happens after, that's where the fun begins.


Pulling up to the church, the three of us get out. Hope and I are still in our uniforms from school, I'm in black skinny jeans, red heels, a white V-neck and a red blazer. I have to say, I really like this outfit. Getting out of my mind, I focus on why we're here.

Walking up to the church, Hope stops. "Landon?" "Hope?" "You two know each other?" Dad asks walking up. "We will have time for that later," I say and then we hear a scream from inside.

"Lily, doors," Dad says and I do a spell to break the chains that locked the doors. "Dissera portus"

Walking in, the priest seems to think that there's a demon in the guy we came here for. When really he's in transition. Hope shuts up the guy, and I put them all to sleep. "silencio" "ad sonum"

Chaining him up so when he turns he can get away I look to my dad. "Um, I don't think I should be in here for this, don't really want to take a chance on being bitten." Hope nods her head, "Go wait outside, we got this. And take Landon with you"

I turn around and sure enough, human guy is in here. "Hey, dude you can't be in here." I try to grab him with normal strength, "Wait what's happening to Rafael?"

"Lily get him out of here!" Dad yells, and then Rafael shifts completely. Landon freaks out and I get pushed near the werewolf, getting nipped on my arm. "Ahh! You idiot!" I yell and then vamp speed to the car to get away from the wolf.

Something strange about me, since both my parents, were vampires, and my sisters' siphoner magic was transferred to me, I'm like a heretic, I have vampire powers, and siphoner witch powers, I just don't get burned in the sun or have to drink blood, which I'm thankful for because, gross.

When Rafael is changed back, Hope comes out of the church while my dad gives him clothes to put on. The bite isn't that bad yet thankfully, but it still hurts. Grabbing a cup, Hope pulls out my dad's knife and cuts her hand. Putting the blood in the cup, she hands it to me. Taking it, I drink it, trying to ignore the taste, and I start to heal, then I feel like nothing happened. "Thank you," I say smiling at her. "Anytime" she answers and gets in the back seat while the boys walk out of the church.

I put in my headphones and ignore the jackass that bit me.


When we get to school, I hug my sisters, and they introduce themselves. "Welcome to the Salvatore School, we're your tour guides" "I'm Josie" "I'm Lizzie. Sisters." "Twins" Josie smiles and Lizzie finishes "Fraternal obvs. And this is out sister Lily, who I guess you've met." Lizzie says side hugging me, I give them a fake smile.

"Rafael why don't you go with the girls, have them show you around. Lily go with them, then come to my office in a few minutes." Nodding my head we walk away, not before my sister sarcastically say "Morning Hope" Hope rolls her eyes but responds, "Morning girls" "more like despair, " Lizzie says and Josie laughs. "I heard that," Hope says rolling eyes. "No you didn't" "Didn't have to" I just roll my eyes. Why can't they just get along? "Girls play nice," Dad says causing all three of us to say "Love you, dad."

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