✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚Chapter 1 ✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚

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Today was the day of the UA entrance exams.

Ever since you where a little girl you'd always wanted to help people, always wanted people to look up to you.

You're father believed you where spending the day with Saichi.

Lying to him made you feel as if you where balancing atop a glass mountain, one slip, one mistake and it it would splinter, and slice through your skin like Paper.

You'd known Saichi for almost your whole life now and he lived just down the road from your house, in the same crummy neighbourhood.

Your father thankfully trusted Saichi's family,
after all, both your fathers have been in business together now for over 16 years.

Really, the truth was, Saichi had stopped showing up to school altogether now and you hadn't seen him for weeks.

You barely saw him around the neighbourhood anymore and he had stopped replying to your texts all together.

Your father couldn't know about this, you knew what would happen if you ever lied to him.

Of course you knew you had to tell him eventually, deep down, but what where the chances of even getting into such a school as UA anyway.

It felt as if a little part of you wanted you to fail just so you wouldn't have to tell him.

With each step you took toward the gates your knees grew weaker.

You closed your eyes, slowly inhaling and exhaling, you needed to get your thoughts under control, you where about to be around a lot of people and your quirk can be tough to handle.

You pictured your quirk councillor, her round glasses that always seemed to teeter atop the end of her nose and her messy mop of grey dreads.

She always had a calming presence about her.

'Always calm your mind before calming your body, breathe in and out. Sometimes it might seem like your quirk is controlling you, but that is not so, your quirk is an extension of your body, just like am arm or leg treat it as such.'

You came to a halt, you stood now at the foot of the gigantic building.

Kids shuffled about around you.

You gazed up at the prestigious school, sunlight glinted of the blue tinted windows, wispy clouds crept across the reflection.

You let your eyes wonder about, when you noticed a girl appeared to be striding directly for you.

Did she mean to speak with me?

You awkwardly shifted your gaze from hers, back up to watching the clouds.

Maybe she isn't really walking to me

As she approached a warm smile broke out across her face.

She waved, her colourful earrings jingling.

'Hey, I saw you and you looked just as lost as me... You don't happen to know where the entrance exams take place do ya?'

she smiled warmly, brown hair curled tightly to her head. she was wearing a loose striped shirt with neat overalls on top.

'Sorry I don't, I'm sure we'll find it' You lift your head to meet her striking gaze.

'Yeah, I'm Ami by the way, what's your name?' She hooked her thumbs in her bag loops and rocked back on her sneakers, a grin broke out across her face.

'Oh I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you.' You gripped the back of your neck reflexively.

'Wow what a pretty name,' her eyes danced when she smiled.

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