The Boy In the Hood

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Yellow: Who are you?

5004 dropped his smile and wiped the tears off his face

5004: I am SCP-5004

Everyone was confuse by his Answer.

White: SCP-50.. What? Are you from Atlas

5004: Atlas? What's Atlas? Are you talking about that odd form of map?

White: Have you been living under a rock your whole life, you dolt?

5004: Kind of...

White: Atlas is the most powerful... wait. Did you juts say kind of to my question?

5004: Ya

Red: What do you mean by that, 5004?

5004: Before I answer any questions, what are your names, I gave you mine.

Weiss: I'm Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. 

5004: You're probably rich and I do not care, NEXT!

Weiss: Why, you...

Ruby: I'm Ruby, leader of Team RWBY!

5004: leader of a team that sounds like your name, cool.

Yellow: What kind of a nam... 'Gets elbowed by black' Oh, I'm Yang.

5004: I just noticed that you're color schemes match the first letter of your names

Blake: I'm Blake. Also, what kind of a name is SCP-5004

5004:Called it. What? Oh, Only name I've ever had. I believe my real name is on my hoodie somewhere. I was only ever addressed as 5004 at the Foundation.

Weiss: What on Remnant is "The Foundation."

5004. 1) So I'm not on Earth anymore. 2) The SCP Foundation is an organization tasked with securing and containing anomalous objects like myself.

Yang: 1) What is Earth?2) You're semblance looked normal to me other than I couldn't see your Aura.

5004: What's Aura and what's Semblance?

This gained shocked looks from everyone

Blake: I think we should take him to Ozpin.

Ruby: Maybe he could Join Beacon!

Yang: Ruby, you just met him and now you want him joining Beacon.

5004 didn't care for any of those options, whatever they meant, so he chose a random direction and started walking.

Ruby: Hey uh... 5004! Civilization's that way

He was walking away with his back turned. His jacket show a display showing SCP-5004: By God's Hand. Under this in letters they could barely make out the letters below. Wesley. He ignored Ruby's attempts to catch his attention until someone grabbed his arm. He turned to see the four girls starring at him.

Ruby: Why are you ignoring us?

5004: I have never needed anyone, and as soon as I trusted someone, they just used me and threw me out. What have Humans ever done for me? Experiment on me? lock me in a concrete room? Put me into suicidal situation? and I lived? I have trust issues, ok?

Everyone looked sad. They felt bad for him. The pain he's been through. 

Blake: Why does your hoodie say "SCP-5004: By God's Hand"?

5004 took his hand out of his pocket summoned a bunch of random useless or powerful objects, vaporized them, and asked them to follow him. As he went, He phased his hand through many trees, and eventually, they found a pack of beowolves. He walked up to the Beowolves and said..

5004: You shall die "BY GOD'S HAND" bitches!

He charged at the monsters, tearing through each and everyone of them with little to no trouble and came out... with a deep scratch on his chest.

5004: Must've been tired...

5004 passes out from the loss of blood.

Everyone: WESLEY!!!!!

The group calls a Bullhead and requests a medical team from Ozpin

Ozpin: I'll send it right away.

They 4 girls load 5004 onto the Bullhead. He started to wake in the bullhead. He got up and looked around as if nothing had happened. He looked at his chest to see the big-ass cut in his chest. Everyone else hadn't noticed him being awake yet.

5004:'touches wound but doesn't show any sign of reaction' This is fine.

Everyone: WESLEY!!!! YOUR AWAKE!!!!

5004: Guess you are looking after me

All of them hug him.

5004: I've known you for about an hour and I'm already this close of a person to you.

Ruby: Of course, your our friend aren't you?

5004: 'Tenses' I've never had a friend, not a real one at least.

Ruby: You've never had a friend?

5004: I had discovered my anomaly and as soon as I did I was taken, never even got the chance to make one. At least 682 said he was fond of me.

Yang: That's so sad. Also, who's 682?

5004: 682 is a giant, impossible to kill, intelligent, and very fucking big lizard.

Yang: Oh, but why is him being fond of you an at least?

5004: 682 hates all life except for me and a certain AI named 079.

Weiss: I think we're here.

The Boy in the Hood: Remnant Edition (SCP Oc x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now