Ch:6 Letters and Secrets

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After that day Phoenix and miles became closer. Phoenix actually began to open up more about his feelings and miles was surprisingly good with advice for him. They relied on each other so often and they both treasured every second they spend with each other. Though they realised something. Phoenix didn't have a phone and miles barely used his and he didn't know how to use it. How were they going to communicate with each other? They couldn't just meet up every single day. Miles lived on the other side of town and would usually meet Phoenix at the park after school. Besides Gregory couldn't drop him of at phoenixes house Even if Gregory wanted to he had work. Crystal didn't have a car and she was busy with her usual..chores.
So after school one day Phoenix had an idea. They can send each other letters and write to each other!

Miles actually thought about it. It wasn't a bad idea. Maybe he could give it a try? It wouldn't hurt. Besides he wanted to spend more time with Phoenix any time he could.

So that's what happened. They sent each other letters. It wouldn't take long for both of them to get them. Just maybe a few hours? A day? It depended really. The letters were small at first. Like miles just simply writing:
"Hello Phoenix. This is miles. I'm doing homework. How are you?"
And Phoenix just writing something small back. That didn't last though. The letters became more longer and happier. Like Phoenix rambling about "signal samurai" and miles pretending to care about it. Though he didn't.

Phoenix practically begged him to watch at least one episode and so miles did. It was childish and weird to him. Not to mention he got a weird look from his mother. It didn't spark any interest in him so he just lied and said he did watch a few episodes and enjoyed it. At least it made Phoenix happy. That's all that matters. If Phoenix is happy..wait does that sound weird? No no miles thinks it's normal to do anything for your friends happiness. Anything.

As weeks went by the closer they got. Sometimes phoenix would send more then one letter which would make Miles (secretly) very happy.

This may seem sad but Gregory has never seen his son so happy and eager for something in his life. Though he was very happy he made a friend,someone to trust and someone to help him when Gregory or Crystal couldn't.

I mean..Crystal never really tried with miles but no one knew that. Besides Miles thought that she was just busy and tired. He knew she loved him. Just didn't have time. Miles doesn't mind. He had Phoenix now.

Weeks and months and then nearly a year goes by just when Gregory finally noticed something.

Gregory and miles were just relaxing on the couch while Crystal was busy upstairs cleaning. It was 4:00pm on a very chilly Sunday.

" Phoenix..okay?" Gregory suddenly asked as he was sipping his tea and Miles was reading a book.

Miles quickly perked his head up and looked confused.
"Uh..yes? Why..?" The boy asked who was a tad bit worried. What was his dad talking about? Is there something wrong with Phoenix? No! That's nonsense. Phoenix is fine and Miles was sure his father did like Phoenix.

"Well..the other day when I dropped you of at the park he seemed so quiet and scared. I think I even saw him shaking a bit. Do you know what's happening?" Gregory asked. He thought it was strange how he would just drop of miles and see Phoenix sat alone on the bench. Even in the rain he would sit on the bench and wouldn't move until Miles would arrive.

" that you mention it..he has been acting strange recently. He's so defensive..? And he jumps around a lot like a scared cat. It all weeks ago. I don't know what's wrong with him. Maybe he's just worried about going back to school next Friday." Miles closes his book and actually got a bit concerned for his only friend. What was wrong with him? Was he okay?

Gregory only made a "hm" in reply. He put down his tea and right when he did he got an idea.
"Oh Miles. How about you send him a letter,asking him what's wrong?"

Miles thought for a moment and then nodded. He thanked his father for the idea and He got up from the couch . He quickly walked to his room up on the second floor of the house.
He entered his rose-red room and quickly grabbed a piece of paper and pen them soon began to write.

"Hello Phoenix. It's me Miles.
Well you would already know that because I'm the only one who writes to you. I just wanted to know if you are okay. It would be better to do this in real life so could you meet me tomorrow at the park? I don't want to talk at the park. I want to show you another area I found a few weeks ago. It's this gigantic woods only a few blocks away from my neighbourhood. It's really cool I think you may like it. There's even a pond as-well. Okay so enough about that. Phoenix the real reason I'm writing this letter is because I'm kind of worried about you. You are very scared all of a sudden and you are very quiet. Is everything okay? You can talk to me you know. If something is hurting you I want to know so I can help you. Well I'm currently running out of space to write. So il see you tomorrow.
-Miles (Your only friend)"

Miles carefully put the small enough piece of paper into a envelope and quickly wrote down phoenixes address he had given to Miles so they can send each other letters. Which was a long time ago. Well for miles anyway..

He got up from his neatly-done bed and ran downstairs, and ran outside. Not before warning He didn't even have to walk a block or two. His house lived in a posh area so he had easy walks to: Town,Post office,Apartment buildings,Lakes and woods etc. Not the park though. It was in the other side of town. Where Phoenix lives close to. The only thing that truly mattered to him. Pho- ahem. Uh the park. Yes the park.

Miles arrived to his destination in less then 3 minutes. He saw two post boxes.  Big red one and a square shaped blue one. The red one was for massive packages that require at least two people to carry and the blue one was for small fragile packages and letters.

Miles walked up to the blue one and gently pushed it in. A matter of hours or a day Phoenix will get the letter. But..will he even answer this time? That was a thing with Phoenix too. Sometimes he wouldn't answer Miles and he would blame it on "not getting it" or "parents mistaken it as trash." He knew some of them were lies because one time he directly put one in phoenixes mailbox because he had forgotten about it in his bag and was strolling around the town with his mother. And the next day Phoenix said he checked his mail box and it wasn't there. Miles didn't object though. Phoenix looked to be stressed enough. And that's what miles wanted to talk about. His friends safety,his mental health and why he was so scared all of a sudden.
Miles sighed heavily and went back home. Though the thought of Phoenix never left his head. He was a bit worried. Whatever was going on with Phoenix was big and personal to him but that didn't stop miles though. He had to know what was troubling his only friend. He had to know what his secrets were so he could help him. He had to know what was going on with him everyday so he can't get hurt.

That's not weird is it..?

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