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Disclaimer: These are works of purely speculative fiction. It is not intended to infringe on any rights by and of the companies and/or individuals involved in this story mentioned here.
I don't own BTS, and they're probably pretty thankful for that.
Notes: Please ignore any spelling mistakes and my grammar in general. English is my second language and it's 1 am lmfao.

—          °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
My Tutor | Taekook One-Shot

He chuckled.

"Might as well become a stripper than." Jungkook said after the teacher publicly announced how bad jungkook was doing overall academically.

Laughs filled the classroom.

"This is not, a joke! Jungkook!" The teacher exclaimed, oblivious angered at Jungkook's lack of caring.

"Yay teach.. just let him slide this time, c'mon!!" "Yeah! He didn't do so bad.." "My grades are worse than his!" People started backing him up and chatter fill the room.

The teacher closed his eyes and let out a sigh out of frustration.

"Meet me after class. We aren't discussing this in the middles of class." He said and then continued the current lesson he was talking about.


"Zzz... Zz!"

"Dude! You're literally saying zzz while you sleep! What the hell?" He's seat partner shook Jungkook after he has fallen asleep at class. Jungkook flinched surprised after being awaken.

"Well this class is boring as hell! All he talks about is letters in math! Letters in math! I thought we only used them for talking!!!" Jungkook shouted whispered loud enough for some people to hear which made them giggle.

"The class is almost over, just like 10 more minutes and we get to leave this hell hole." The guy assured him, giving jungkook a few pats on the back.

"Yeah yeah, thanks Jimin." he said before going back to take a nap immediately.


"Guys that's the bell, we will continue discussing this another time. Have a great day." The teacher announced out loud.

"Never thought college would be this hard." "I thought I was about to die hearing him talk and talk and talk-" "Hey watch out!" "Is jungkook asleep?"
Chatter and loudness filled the room as everyone was about to leave. All that noise not even bothering sleeping beauty Jungkook.

"Shit, he's coming." A small whisper was heard from Jimin and he left quickly after seeing the teacher come closer to jungkook's spot.

"Jungkook!" The teacher shouted really close to jungkook's ear making him quickly wake up and flinch. "Mom?- Oh teacher." He said rubbing his eye. Eating a few laughs and giggles from people who heard.

"We need to talk." He paused, took a deep breath and continued. "I am afraid you are at risk, I don't really want to see such student like you not making it. If you don't get your associate's degree than you won't make it to university to get your batchelors. And I surely know how your parents are. Just to save you some slack, I will be getting you a tutor–"

"A what!" Jungkook cut him off. He hated tutors. So much. Nothing deep to it, he thought it's just a waste of money since he finds that someone else tutoring him doesn't make him learn anything.

"You know I don't do good with tutors! I never learn anything from them and it's a waste of money!! I could be buying myself something instead of giving those forty dollars to a nobody." Jungkook complained. He knew he couldn't refuse after he heard the teacher mention his parents.

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