Abagail/Chris 2019

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It was starting to rain when Abby returned home from the store.  Arm's loaded with candy she let her self into the gate and almost tripped over a pumpkin sitting just inside the old wooden fence.  Swearing under her breath she scooted the orange skinned pumpkin to the side, continuing up the walk without a thought. 

Putting the cereal into the cupboard she couldn't stop thinking about the pumpkin on the walk. It didn't look like any of the ones she and her boyfriend had cut the night before.  She put the candy into a huge bowl, suddenly feeling a wave of sadness wash over her.   It had been only a week since the world had lost Chris Motionless and Abby had been struggling with it.  Halloween had been his favorite holiday and this year was going to be a big one for the band. 

Carrying the bowl to the black covered table she went to the front door.  The pumpkin was still sitting on the walk.  It's leering face looking back at her.   Hadn't it been facing the gate when she came in?  Scowling softly she shut the door and went back into her kitchen.  

She poured herself a glass of wine and made dinner.  She went into the bathroom to fix her hair and began to hum her favorite Motionless in white song.  She missed Chris terribly and couldn't believe he was really gone.  Returning to the kitchen she froze as her blue eyes feel on the leering jack o Lantern that was now sitting on the table.  

"  Ha ha. "   She laughed out loud as she sipped her wine.  "  Very Funny Andy. "   

"  What? "   Andy was sitting on the couch with his guitar in his lap.  His head bent down as he plucked the strings. 

"  Whatever.  "   She shook her head as she smiled.   

" What's for dinner? "   Andy was suddenly behind her, his hands on her hips.  

"  Mmm. Maybe we should skip dinner? "   Abby turned around the wrap her arms around him.  

"  We can always eat later.  I gotta run down to the shop for a minute. "   Andy kissed her head and let go of her.  

Abby wanted to smack him. "  But dinner's almost ready...."   

"  Keep it warm for me. "   He said as he headed for the door.  

Sighing Abby poured more wine and went to the pumpkin on the table. "  Looks like it's just you and me tonight handsome. "   

She reached out to grab a candle and lit the wick.  She pulled the top off the pumpkin which didn't feel like an actual pumpkin. It felt almost warm.  She quickly set the lit candle down inside and put the top back on.   The leering face lit up, making her feel even more uncomfortable.  She took her wine and went to run herself a bath.  

She was soaking in a warm bath, feeling fuzzy from the wine when she heard the front door open and close.  That was quick, Andy never went to the shop and came home right away. It was one of the things that kept her mad at him. 

"  Forget something! "   She called out and was met by silence. 

" Andy! "  

Suddenly she could hear music from the living room.  It was her favorite MIW song.  If Andy was messing with her she was not happy about it.  Pissed she got out of the tub, wrapped a towel around herself and padded down the hall.  She was about to give him a piece of her mind as she entered  the dark room and froze.  It was not Andy who stood looking out the window at the heavily decorated yard.  This man was taller, thinner and unmistakable.  

"  Did I die in the tub? "   She felt her face flush as she realized she was standing in just a towel.  

"  No. "    He sounded so sad.   

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