Questions for Alex

135 1 3

All right, time to ask Alex questions. To this end, I must communicate with his world.

(I put on my headphones and make complex combinations on my computer)

It's not easy, believe me.

(In the end I managed to see the world in the monitor, it looks like the circus is free today, but Alex is nowhere to be seen.)

Finally, but where is Alex?

(I notice that he is walking towards his wagon with a bucket in his hand)


Alex entered the wagon and set the bucket on the floor.

Me (background voice) - Alex?

The surprised lion looked at the source of my voice.

Alex - Is that you Eron again? Where you are?

Me (background voice) - And how do you know where to look?

Alex - For the source of your voice, but where are you?

Me (background voice) - In a completely different world.

Alex - Why is that not surprising to me? And what do you want this time?

Me (background voice) - Ask you some questions about your life, it's been a year since you became like Genji.

Alex - Actually, it happened on Halloween. But it's also good to ask questions before the holiday.

Me (background voice) - Before we start, say what you have in this bucket?

Alex - This is my dinner.

Alex walked over to the bucket and showed the contents, there were salmon in the bucket.

Me (background voice) - There is a lot of it, you can eat it all yourself?

Alex - Yes, but enough to share with someone. Our last performance was a big hit in San Diego. Me and Gia played the best part, and on this occasion we decided to have dinner together.

Me (background voice) - A date? I'am sorry to take your time.

Alex - It's okay, there's plenty of time for dinner. I still have to get my wagon ready. A date? It's a celebration. Not a date.

Me (background voice) - Alex... Why I see bouquet of roses on your bed?

Alex - Okay you won... I want to make a good impression on her. Maybe it will be more than a celebration. Can you start asking me questions? I am ready.

Me (background voice) - First, bring your laptop because I will send you questions by email.

Alex - Okay.

Alex picked up the laptop, then when he sat on the couch he turned on the computer.

Alex - Go on.

Me (background voice) - Here we go.

Question 1 - How do you rate your life?

Alex - I really like my life. I have nice friends, loving parents. I travel in a circus which is not far from world famous. In other words, brilliant.

Question 2 - Did you expect you to live in a circus?

Alex - I didn't expect it at all, but it is much better here than at the zoo.

Question 3 - What is it like having power?

Alex - It depends, in my case I have the same power as Genji, who is a character in the game. Does he also exist in your world only in Overwatch?

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