Chapter Fourteen: You're my father

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Arthur’s POV

I slumped against the wall of the cell. I’ve only been in a cell a couple of times from my memory. Considering my memory is messed up between what my life actually was to this maybe fake world or messed with world its hard to know how many times. It’s quite hard to keep the proper memories in my mind.

Morgana could have had a second chance she could have not changed what had happened and let us live out another four years instead of this and what she has done. She is going to kill me and my father and take over Camelot. I’m not only worried about that but I’m also worried about, Merlin.

I still can’t believe I had forgotten him. How could have I forgot Merlin who is my servant. What had she done to him and why? Why would she get rid of Merlin? Is there something about Merlin I still don’t know? Maybe she thought him as a threat but why? Why would she think that?

I can’t understand why. I don’t know if I ever will because right now I think I may never see, Merlin ever again. I sigh as I hear noise nearby. “You will guard this cell like it’s your family who are in danger and can’t leave or can’t let anyone in apart from me, Morgause and Mordred. If you do your family will start dying one by one got me!” shouted Morgana.

I heard a loud yes back from the guards. There is hardly any hope in any of us getting out of this alive and then Camelot will be destroyed by Morgana’s evil ways.  I can’t believe what has happened between us and how it’s come to this. It came to her living out another four years for this moment and clearly she isn’t going to let anyone stand in her way this time.

Morgana’s POV

“It’s almost time, sister.”

“At last, I’ve waited too long for this,” I whisper.

“I know you have and tomorrow you will be able to kill Uther Penedragon and then Arthur. You will be Queen and no one will stand in your way no more,” smiled Morgause.

“Thank you sister and you too Mordred I couldn’t have done this without either of you,” I smile at both of them happily.

“It’s our pleasure we know you will make and deserve to be queen.”

Gaius’s POV

“Gaius what is going on? I’m so scared,” whispered Gwen to me.

“I don’t know. It seems Morgana has evil intentions we didn’t know about. We knew something was up and now we know what it was. I don’t see how we’ll get out of this, Gwen.

“I know Gaius. Does this mean it’s all over? Camelot will be destroyed by Morgana’s hand and we have no choice but to watch it all happen?” she asked me.

“I’m afraid so my dear, I think that is exactly what is gonna happen.”

Merlin’s POV

We have been riding for nearly two days straight. We are over half way to Camelot but everyone is getting restless and my memories are still a bit jumbled up. I came to a stop as we reached the edge of a forest which I recognised instantly but I don’t know why.

 “Merlin what is wrong?” asked Paul.

I looked at Paul and shook my head. “It’s nothing,” I lied to him.

We set off into the forest going as quickly as we could travel together. We have no time to lose we could already be too late but we have to try we have to make it and help Camelot because they need us now more than ever.

Suddenly as Paul pulled into the lead with his horse my head started to feel weird, dizziness hit me instantly and that was when the part of me that felt like was missing came springing back to me. I watched as I spoke with Gaius about Balinor, the part when he is actually my dad. Happiness filled me up but not for long as it came crashing down again.

I watched in horror as my father saved my life but in return the man who was attacking me now killed him instead. I watched him die in my arms and Arthur stands over watching having no idea he is my father. I have to leave him and try not to keep crying and looking weak or I would give away that he means more than just someone to save Camelot.

That was when I became a Dragon lord and how the Great Dragon was now my friend and no longer seen as a foe. My heart was beating so fast in my chest I couldn’t think clearly and accept what is actually happening.

“Merlin,” I heard my name being called.

I opened my eyes slowly looking around me to find myself lying on the ground in the forest with my sister looking down at me as well as Paul and Balinor stood behind them, my father.

In this time the one Morgana has changed my father is alive and if I change the time back if I can somehow do that then my father will be dead. I shot to my feet in everyone shock and wrapped my arms around my father.

“Merlin what is wrong?” he asked confused.

I look into his eyes. “I know how I know you now. You’re my father.”


Thanks for reading.

Next chapter up in a minute LOL

Not edited and neither is the next one being so lazy haha.

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