i. some stupid roses

Start from the beginning


He felt the pain before he saw the unstable fence, his cheek generously scraped by thorns, his legs aching beneath the broken wheels of his bike. His head bashed against the ground, a heavy moan leaving him at the pain in his ankle, the blood dripping down his face from the top of his cheekbone. 

"What the hell is this?"

Mike's eyes popped open with fear, trying to push his body off the ground once he saw the tall shadow looming above him. As he squinted his eyes, he recognized the figure as the Hawkins Chief of Police - Jim Hopper, Hopper to most. His large frame was stuffed into a uniform complete with a badge and a loaded gun, but it was his cold eyes and snarling face that had Mike gulping loudly. He saw the chief's eyes going back and forth between the shattered fence, his broken bike lying in a heap on the floor, and the injured teenager. His hands automatically covered his sore face, preparing for the man to grip his collar, spitting about how much the fence would cost and how he was trespassing on his property-

"Look at what you did to my roses!"

Mike's lips parted, head tilting with confusion. He followed the man's gaze to the mess he was caught in, thorns scraping over his trousers, muddy flowers suffocated by his bike. It was a mess, and the chief bent town worriedly, gaze switching to the small house behind him, gnawing on his lip in thought. 

As he followed the chief's eyes, he almost saw a small shadow in the window - just for a second. His eyes squinted, seeing if it was just part of his imagination. 

"What were you thinking?" the man bellowed. 

Mike snapped out of his thoughts, looking back at the man with an exasperated sigh, "Trust me, I-I didn't mean to...it was raining really bad and-"

Hopper practically snarled, "...What do you mean you didn't mean to?"

He huffed, "I mean that it wasn't on my to-do list, that's for sure-"

"Why you smug son of a-"

"It was an accident!" Mike finished miserably.

Hopper glared at him through the darkness, the thunder booming above them both, rain splattering down and washing away the blood from his cheeks. "Who are your parents, boy? How old are you?...Twelve?"

"Fourteen!" Mike rolled his eyes but then sighed at the chief's raised eyebrows and murderous expression, "Ted and Karen Wheeler."

Hopper scoffed. 

"Look, I'm-"

Before he knew what was happening, the man had picked him up by his collar, the material bunched around his stern fist as he dragged the teenager up. Mike struggled in his grasp, kicking his legs out miserably, "What are you doing? G-Get off-" In that moment it did not occur to him that he was arguing fiercely with a man that could easily put him behind bars, and he continued trying to loosen his iron grip. Hopper did not spare him another glance, glaring at the short path ahead of them that separated their houses, only three houses creating the distance. When Mike saw where he was dragging him, his front door clearly noticeable through the storm - he began begging and struggling even more. "Wait, wait, wait- no, no! I-I didn't mean to...please-"

He rapped on the door roughly, holding the teenager in place. 

This is it, Mike squeezed his eyes shut, At least I've had an okay life-

Karen Wheeler opened the front door in her robe and slippers, gasping in shock at the sight before her. Her hands instantly flew to her hair, smoothing down the strands before tightening the robe around her waist. She was over-exaggerated like one of those actresses in soap operas, eyes always wide and hand resting over her heart in perfectly common situations. But her eyes darkened, and Mike shrunk back further. "Michael?"

"Karen" Hopper nodded rudely, glaring back at the teenager before shoving him forward into his mother's grasp. "I think we need to have a chat about your son, Michael."

"What did-"

"I didn't do anything!" Mike blurted out. 

Hopper seethed, "He knocked down my entire fence and ruined my garden, I think you'll find! Goddamn delinquents racing around on bikes, especially out this late-"

Karen put her hands on her hips. "You left?"

Mike scoffed quietly, "Thanks for noticing, Mom."

"Michael!" she snapped, "I can't believe you! Upsetting the chief of all people, ruining his garden - that isn't like you. What were you doing out so late, without asking me?"

"Maybe I needed some peace and quiet."

Her lips parted with embarrassment at his weak statement. For a moment she tried to catch her breath, finding the right words to blow smoke over the fire that he had been brewing, but her stubborn son simply eyed the carpet. She pinched her forehead with her thumb and forefinger, looking back at the bored chief with apologetic eyes, "Jim...I'm so sorry. I'm sure that Michael is very sorry for his actions and will be willing to make it up to you."

His head snapped up, eyes wide. "Mom-"

"Oh, I sure hope so" the chief thought for a moment, tapping his foot before nodding triumphantly, "...I'm going to need a bit of help around the garden now, the rose garden that he destroyed which will need some tending. The fence will need fixing too, so I'm sure that he would be willing to take care of it - especially as he is the one that caused the damage."

Mike wiped some blood off his wet cheek, "It's just some stupid roses-"

"Oh, it's the least that he can do."

Hopper nodded, sending the boy one last glare. "Good."

Mike glared back. "Great, just great."

After holding his stare for a few more seconds, he shook his head with a huff and turned around to head upstairs, hoping to dry himself off. He inwardly whined at the thought of his broken bike laying in the mud and how much money it would cost to purchase a new one, particularly as his parents would never buy him another. Just as he stomped up the stairs with frustration, he heard a taunting voice call him back down the stairs. 

"Oh, and Michael?" the chief drawled. 

He gritted his teeth, "Mike."

"9 am on Sunday morning sound good to you?" Hopper taunted, smirking at the teenager's clenched fists and unsteady breaths. 

"Just perfect" he practically snarled. 


This Mike at first is going to be angsty little emo Mike of Season 2, but I promise that when he meets El - he will pretty much turn into a little soft dork. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I know it is pretty slow but the next chapter should be up straight away alongside this one for you to check out! It will introduce more of little miss El and her home life within this story! Leave a comment, let me know what you think <3


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