Chapter One

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Y/N was quietly walking down the streets after a long day of school, he needed to get good grades but the job made it overwhelming since he hardly ever had time to study due to his job being time consuming. He opened the class door to get inside of the small cafe he works it, the bell on the on top ringing as he does. He walked inside and let the door close by itself, he went over to the back to get into a more appropriate outfit for the cafe. He walked into the men's changing room which was empty since he was pretty early, he took off the black button up he was wearing along with the white button up under that. He slipped on his light red tshirt with they symbol of the cafe he works at so the know he works there. He then takes off his black pants and replaced them with light blue ripped jeans. Once he had finished he walked out towards the front door and flipped the open and close sign that was up in the front door so people would know they were open. Once he did that walked behind the counter that he had to be at so he could take peoples orders and tell the cooks what to do, soon enough most of the workers show up. He knew most of them but then a girl about the height of 5'5 walked inside. Her hair was dyed into a light ginger color that made her stand out from everyone. He looked at her and admired her figure, he noticed she had a black guitar so he assumed she did music, he looked at what she was wearing. Her top was a white tshirt that was tied in the back, her bottoms were just plain light blue jeans that looked big on her but she made it work. Soon enough he noticed himself staring at her and before he could look away she caught him and just flashed a small smile at him causing him to get a tight feeling in his chest, he just felt his cheeks get bit hot. He smiled back at her nervously and waves at her for a couple of seconds before looking away and rubbing the back of his neck. The young female who looked about 16 just giggled at his reaction, she just sat over at table and sat down, she grabbed her black guitar and tuned it so it would sound good. She was trying to practice how to sing in a crowd since she was gonna debut in a year or 2 and she was quite nervous about it. She just began to move her fingers along the guitar strings, she sang f/s (favorite song).
Her hair perfectly falls in place as she moves it around a bit while she sings, her voice makes it into his ears and he just looks over at her with a look of amazement at how well she sings. All he could think of is how beautiful this young lady was. Everything she did seemed to be so perfectly, the way she walked looked as if she was in clouds, and her beautiful voice made her sound like an angel in his ears. He watched her shred and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, he stared at her, he just started to daydream about her, he felt the atmosphere become light and everything around her seemed to form beautiful Roses. He thought how could someone be so beautiful and elegant, soon enough the song ends and the girl just smiled as the few people in the cafe clapped for her beautiful voice and talent. Once she had finished she put her guitar to the side and stood up from her chair, as she finally stood up she grabbed her guitar once again and then waved and vowed at everyone in the restaurant. She soon left, as Y/N saw her leave he felt a bit sad. What if he never got to see this beautiful women again? Only time will tell if they will meet again. He just stayed at the cafe till his curfew, hoping he could one day meet again with the beautiful girl.

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