Every member is valuable to what we bring. We have so many sponsors under our belt. Our money is unlimited. We invest in the right things. Not the wrong things. Well, sometimes we invest in the wrong things because we get too cocky, but anyway we are the most dominate team in the racing world. I love them until the day I retired as street King. The one thing I would say I will always cherish with them is when we all came together to become the most dominate team in the racing world. That memory I will always love forever.

"You ready Mike?" Kareem ask me.

"You don't have to ask that Kareem; my baby is born ready!" Janice said smiling.

"Well, he better be careful because Razor and his skulls are coming for him." Darren said. In the racing world, there are six crews. Each leader is battling for a shot at the title. What is so crazy, that there are 3 boys and three girl crews. They could have mixed it up like I did but the rest didn't. Here are the 5 crews

Name: The Skulls

Leader: Ryan "Razor" Callahan

Based out: Queens, New York

Info: The Skulls stared in 2007. Their first leader was the first ever street King Brian "Donny" Barbieri. Their team consists of 7 members. Their specialty is circuit racing.

Name: Team Mega

Leader: Gary "JB" Stenson

Based out: Brooklyn, New York

Info: This is the toughest crew my guys face. They love to make people spin out and lose their rides. What's crazy is when I became the street king, they wanted to become allies. We tried but they stab us in the back. Now they want to take us out. I won't allow that to happened. They love the drifting scene.

Name: Eastside Ryderz

Leader: Rachel "The Goddess" Mayweather

Based out: Bronx, New York

Info: The Eastside Ryderz. Rachel founded them when I became the street king. They been having it out for my team ever since we form. They based their money on making their car look flashy. Now you see their specialty is circuit racing. They have unlimited stamina, so they can last long on the track. The day we cross paths is the day that we will take them out.

Name: The Butterflies

Leader: Gianna "Sexy" Foxwood

Based Out: Staten Island

Info: The Butterflies started Two years ago. They supposed to be the most beautiful sexy girl crew in the racing world. They make the boys fall in love and then use that to their advantage. Their love American Muscle cars. They use them in drag races. If I cross paths with them with my team. Then best believe they aren't going to like us.

Name: Street Runners

Leader: Michelle "Ghost Rider" Johnson

Based Out: Upper Manhattan

Info: From the upper east side, the street runners are tough, and fast. They always love out running the cops. They don't control all of Manhattan, but they are our allies and friends. We trying to combine the teams so there we can become stronger and more female dominate among us. Like they said a women touch goes along way.

"Drivers get your cars to the starting line. Race starts in 2 minutes!" The Race official yelled.

"Mike be careful of Razor he is really on edge today." Darren tells me.

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