Catch Me When I'm Falling Pt.1[SanaXReader]

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"I don't care even if I fall because I know that you can always catch me when I'm falling"

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"I don't care even if I fall because I know that you can always catch me when I'm falling"

Sana's Pov:
Hi I'm Sana! I'm a member of a kpop girl group Twice. As you all know, I'm from Japan and now living at South Korea-

"Sana, you're spacing out again" Nayeon washed me out from my little daydream
"No I'm not, I'm just thinking of you" I smirked and moved my brows making her go in her cringed reaction
"You always joke around at everyone" Jeongyeon sat down beside me on the sofa with a bag of chips in her hands
"It's just amusing to see your faces go like that" I chuckled reaching out to get chips from Jeongyeon
"Psychopath" Jihyo commented as she turned on the television
"I'm not" I denied with a pout
"What's the meaning of a Psychopath anyways?" Momo asked while holding a plate with many food in it
"Yah! You're eating like it's your last time eating" Dahyun picked up a piece of chicken from Momo's plate
"Mina! The internet is kinda slow. Are you playing?" It was Chaeyoung coming down from upstairs with her phone in her hand
"No. I'm going to watch with everyone" Mina came from the bathroom and sat on the carpet right in front of me
"Tzuyu? Aren't you going to watch with us?" Jihyo called
"Just a sec. I'm coming down" We heard Tzuyu's footsteps from upstairs

And now all of us are on the living room watching the TV as it shows the intro of Netflix

Even if the sofa can only accommodate 4 members, 6 members fit in. While the other 3 sat on the carpet. Jihyo was holding the remote, choosing what to watch today. All this enjoying thingy was ruined when one member noticed

"How could we forget about the drinks?" Nayeon complained looking at the living room table
"I thought we bought and stored them the other day?" Jihyo asked still focused on the TV

No one responded for a moment, everyone looking at each other

"Come on. Who drank those 9 juices?" Jeongyeon asked
"Uhh the thing is, Momo drank all of it" Dahyun pointed out Momo
"What? You drank with me too. The same as Sana" Momo pointed at me
"I drank mine. I saw Nayeon drank 2 of it last night" I pointed at Nayeon
"It's not-" Jihyo cutted the long conversation
"Rock paper scissors, who buys drinks" Jihyo put down the remote on the table
"Hana dul set" Jihyo started

WHAT?! NO!!! I drew rock again. They all drew paper

"You guys always know what I draw" I pouted making everyone laugh
"You should change your playing style" Mina suggested as she laughs with the others
"Come on. You're paying right?" Tzuyu asked
"Yeah fine. Wait for me then?" I stood up and got ready to go out
"Be safe!" Jihyo shouted from the living room
"I will"


Y/n's Pov:
Ugh I hate myself for forgetting to buy the most needed ingredient in making scrambled eggs.

The Eggs.

Of course you dumb dumb. I started to walk back into that small grocery store to buy eggs. I walked into aisle of poultry and found the eggs

"1 box should be fine" I talked to myself and turned around to go back

Just then someone bumped into me. I felt myself going to trip over so I maintained my balance but the one who bumped into me has started falling into the ground. I didn't know that I lost a hold on the box of eggs. I just stretched out my arms and tried to catch the person. Good thing I catch him or her at the right time

"I-I'm sorry" She sounded like a girl, her voice sounded so cute
"It's fine" I replied and supported her to stand up straight
"Is everything fine there?" A saleslady visited the aisle
"I just broke a box of eggs Ma'am. Don't worry I'll pay for it" I replied and the Saleslady bowed and left
"I will pay for it-" I cutted the girl's words
"No. It's fine. You should be on your way. You look like you're in a hurry" I suggested and picked up the box
"Yeah. I'm kinda in a hurry. Sorry I bumped into you but I want to pay for that" She touched my hand

Her fingers were flawless. And my heart just skipped a beat. Shit Y/n don't blush. But why does she wears a cap and mask anyway?

"It's fine really. I insist, you should go now if you're really in a hurry" I replied and smiled at her
"God bless you. Thank you for saving me by the way" She bowed and left

Her voice sounded so familiar yet so cute. I might not forget how it sounds.

If I meet her again, I will still be able to recognize her, just by her voice.


Sana's Pov:
Phew. Good thing that person catched me. I might end up forgetting things because my head is sensitive. Amnesia sucks. I knocked on the door of our dorm

"Coming!" I heard Dahyun's yell from the inside

The door produced the creaking sound and I was met by Dahyun who helps me with the drinks and immediately take out hers

"Here's the drinks everyone" I called making everyone stand up and get their drinks
"You're kinda late just for buying these things. You bumped into someone?" Tzuyu asked
"I actually did. And I almost died" I said and chuckled
"WHAT?! Are you fine did someone hurt you?" Jihyo immediately went beside me and check as if she's my mom
"I'm fine Eomma. I almost fell when I was running" I explained making Jihyo calm down
"Almost?" Mina asked
"Yep. But a girl/guy catched me" I smiled remembering her/his face
"Why are you smiling?" Nayeon looked at me with a confused face
"Just because" I said and sat on my usual place in the sofa
"Oh. I know this thing" Jeongyeon took a sip of her drink
"The girl/guy is good-looking isn't it?" Jeongyeon asked making everyone to look at me
"I don't know. You didn't see her/him anyway, so you won't know" I smiled again unconsciously
"She smiled again omooo" Chaeyoung pointed out

Will I meet her/him again in the near future?

I wish I could.


Who wants requests?

Read the first part of the book my lovely readerss nad pls do request

I really appreciate it💕

I will do a part 2 of this next timee

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