Dangerous Duo

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When I woke up I was in a padded room, my arms were bound by a straight jacket...
I stayed like that for what seemed like forever.
My meals were pushed through a slot in the door..all I had was a bed and a toilet.
Finally after an eternity, the door opened and Miss Pierce came in.
"Are you ready to talk?"
She asked standing in front of me with her arms crossed, a clipboard against her chest.
"Look he was threatening me and grabbing my face. I don't like that"
I said coldly. She sighed, sitting in a chair next to my bed.
"Then ill have the guards watch morr closely. No more violence are we clear?"
She said sternly. I sighed back, growing tired of this talk.
"Yes ma'am"
I told her what she wanted to hear
"Good, now how about you officially meet Michael?"
She asked with a smirk. I got up and smiled. He definitely had peaked my interest so I was curious about the boy.
I said and she led me back to the rec room.
I saw the same man before trying to talk to Michael.
"You have a guest Michael"
he said walking over to me with a polite smile.
"Hello Aurora, my name is Samual Loomis, I'd like you to meet my patient, Michael, go on"
he said putting a hand on the small of my back and gently giving a small push to walk. I walked over and sat down next to him, staring out the window. It was very quiet. He didnt so much as look at me.
"It's beautiful right?"
I asked as I stared outside to the orange leaves falling and sunny day.
"I like autumn"
he said plainly.
I smiled, glancing over at him, then back out the window.
"Me too. Halloween is my favorite. The cold air, costumes and carving pumpkins with a big butchers knife is so much fun"
I said looking at him with a bright smile.
I swear I saw a smirk, but if it was there, it quickly went away.
"I'm Aurora, it's nice to have someone in here with me my age"
I said looking at his pale white face and dark brown eyes. I was curious, was his skin as cold as he was? I was gently going to reach out to touch his hand but he quickly grabbed my wrist
Loomis warned
I looked at him with raised brows and blinked in confusion. My expression turned cold as I glared at Sam.
"I got this. Stay out of it"
I said glaring at him. I looked back at Michael and smiled, my whole demeanor changing.
"I was just gonna touch your cheek Michael...it's okay. I'm not here to poke and prod your brain. They do that enough to the both of us"
I said taking my other hand and gently running my hand over the one gripping my wrist.
He stared at me for a while then gently let go.
I gently placed my hand on top of his and lifted my head on his shoulder, he didn't even seem fazed.
"What are you doing?"
He asked confused. I giggled
"Staring out the window like you, just, enjoying your company"
I said looking up at him. He looked down at me and our faces were very close. I blushed, it looked like he was as well. He quickly looked away
"Um.. Okay"
he said and we just stayed like that for what seemed like forever,
"You kids want dinner?"
Dr. Loomis asked. I looked at Michael and he shrugged
I said and we went to the cafe together. We sat down together and ate together. Michael doesn't talk much, but that's okay, cuz I'm quite the talker...to those I want to hear me.

Michael and I got very close. We are best friends, even if he doesn't talk much.
He has his ways of showing me he cares.
One time in lunch, this guy bumped into me with my tray, and my lunch spilled all over me..the guy didnt so much as look at me. Kept walking.. Until Michael grabbed the mans tray, handed it to me, then took his arm and twisted it behind his back until everybody in the cafe heard a sick crackling noise and the guy screaming in pain.
Needless to say Michael and I didn't see each other for a month.

Another time, a nurse was trying to over medicate me while Michael and I were in the rec room. I knew my how much I needed to take to maintain my level...
She didn't care, tried to force me to take the extra 2 pills she put in the cup but I refused to take it. After a minute of struggling, she pulled out a needle. When she did that Michael stood up so fast even I jumped. He had grabbed the nurses wrist and forced the needle on herself and stabbed her in the neck. He repeated that about several more times but with such force.
She was rolled out on a gurney.
Another month apart...

Yes. Him and I were very close.
It sure pissed off Miss Pierce because I wouldn't tell her what we talked about when he did talk. I was punished a lot in this hell hole because of it and because of how quick Michael becsme my protector. but I stayed strong for Michael. If he was Here, nothing scared me....

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