The two shared a very sweet and warm cinnamon bun. The taste was sweet, just like her.

The outside started to trickle as a happy grin was placed onto the older's lips.

Their stomachs were finally full, and they were ready to leave. The money paid after so long.

"Y'now how much I love the rain, right?," Chaewon smirked, leaving Minju to run to the foot of the door.


A lovely giggle released out of her mouth. She started to dance in the rain, Chaewon looked gorgeous.

Puddles splashed onto the girls clothes, water melting into her skin. A small yelp came from Minju as a raindrop fell on her head.

"Yah! Come back in here!," she screamed to the older. "I'll come back in there!," Chaewon smirked. "If you can catch me!," the sweet girl ran speedily down the road.

Her footsteps wet with rain, hair tousled together onto her shoulders. Kim Minju was running after Chaewon.

The frog had felt herself get giddy, her head spinning with Chaewon. She was intoxicated by the sweet aura radiating from the older.

Minju had caught up to Chaewon, and wrapped her arms around the fairy. Laughter came from the two of them. "Let's go back home, yeah?," a nod came from Minju.

Minju's shirt clung onto her skin dearly, the rain kissing her cheeks. "Chaewon,"


"I-I need to tell you something!," Rain dripping onto their clothes

Minju was ready to share her old feelings. She was ready to unleash the pent up sadness, happiness, and anger she'd push to the back of her mind.

"I—I love you," Chaewon stood there with a toothy smile. "I love you too, Minju," "You do?,"

The fairy nodded.

"You're my best friend,"

Minju would've been a liar if she feigned shocked. Minju understood, she knew. It was one-sided love, and nothing could change that. A small, and unnoticeable feeling pounded throughout her body. "Minju?," "Hm?," "You good?," her voice small.

The frog's body shrunk in on itself. Minju felt like vomiting, and just crying. "Are you okay?," "I—I'm fine," an evident frown landed on the fairy's mouth. "Let's go back to my place, okay?," a monotone voice came from the younger.

The fairy nodded.

Eyelids forming a liquid. "Can you call a cab Chaewon-ah?," a small look came from the older.


As the two stepped in, a numb feeling came rushing over to the girl. Her heart dropping in ways that she couldn't understand.

Minju was fed up with everything.

"Go take a shower Chae," the other obliged.

Rushing towards the kitchen, Minju placed two fingers underneath the scorching hot water.

She couldn't feel it.

She couldn't feel anything. A pang of fear came and went, as quick as lightning. The tears she held in came out rushing towards her rosy cheeks. Face red in sadness. Her worst fear came true,

Minju stopped feeling.

Chaewon had come out just in time, her heart falling seeing her best friend in such state. "Chaewon," "Hm?," "I want you to pinch me,"

The girl was confused. "Pinch you?," "I—I can't feel anything!," she sobbed once more," a small nod came from the older. Chaewon was determined to make Minju feel any better, not realizing she was the source of Minju's tears. The fairy pinched the girl.

Nothing came from the other. "I—I couldn't feel it! Chaewon!," the girl frantically waled. She was terrified. "Chaewon, I—I don't know what to do," Minju laid limp on the floor.

Chaewon was confused and extremely scared.

"You stay calm that's what you do," a small nod came from the younger. Chaewon's eyes darted from the kitchen and back, eyes laid onto the broken glass. "Now you tell me if this hurts, alright?,"

The glass impaled into the girls' skin, a gushing red came from it. Chaewon shuddered. "I—I can't feel it, I—I'm sorry Chaewon. I put you through this and—and now you're gonna hate me forever," tears ran down the younger's cheeks once again.

"Don't say such things," Chaewon grabbed the first aid kit. "You can't feel correct?," Minju nodded.

And at that moment the frog understood what to do,

Minju leaned in, lips connecting with the other. It surprised the girl, nonetheless she continued the rhythm was kept between the two, the kiss was warm, and pleasant. Neither one wanted to pull away, until one did.

Her heart was pounding inside her chest, as Chaewon backed away. "What did you do!," her blood curdling scream impaled the house with an inaudible echo.

"What the hell did I do?," she whispered. "I'm sorry—I—I," the girl swallowed. "I've got to go,"

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