Are you excited for the new palette?

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TBH where I live there is no scope for me to actually buy the palette. I am talking about the conspiracy palette by Shane Dawson and Jeffree btw.

But love the idea.  The series shows how much effort goes beind makeup. I always used to that they had to come up with a colour for eyeshadow altoghether but it is mostly just selecting the ones you'd want to see in a palette which doesn't seem that difficult lol. This is the part when I start to daydream about making of my own brand which lets be honest isn't happening. 

Tell me if you feel the same way. Lmao I am talking as if someone will actually be reading this. Ok future me, is the palette good?

I also came up with a word


it is like what the other person said is funny but also it hit one of my anxieties that I didn't even exist. Urban dictionary, are you covering this?

i claim this copyright.

pretty sure that is how you put a trademark.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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i am bored asfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ