"Wh— what are you doing?!" She whispered angrily, hoping— though she was sure— that he didn't hear her.

"Who's there?!"

He shrieked and moved away a bit. He would've checked for himself, but he couldn't find his balance the first time. So he wouldn't try again. He picked up a rock and threw it in their direction which then landed right next to Mabel's feet.

"He's throwing rocks!" Jeff exclaimed a bit too loud, jumping back into the bushes.

Mabel took in a sharp inhale, yeeting herself back behind the tree without a response to his question.

Pfft. As if she's dumb enough to reveal herself. Especially since she's 18. Well, 17.

"I-I know you're there! And I have more rocks to throw!"

He silently picked up another rock, ready to throw again as soon as he heard something. He slowly tried standing up. It would definitely be handy to not fight, if it was necessary, while sitting. Almost stumbling again, he'd somewhat restored his balance.

Mabel kept her mouth shut, still not moving from her spot.

As if a few rocks could hurt her..

She's definitely become stronger.

He was getting impatient. He wasn't exactly the master of stealth, but was able to make his way forward, but not too close to the tree. With a few meters apart from each other, he began to lose his balance again.
Walking had never been his strongest subject.

He fell again, this time just remaining on the forest's ground.

Why am I even trying? I'm completely exhausted.

"Just go ahead and kill me already. I'm too done with all of this."

Mabel heard him approaching, keeping her breaths soft and her mind steady and calm.

But then she heard the other fall.


"What?" Mabel poked her head out from behind her tree.

"Why would I?"

Mabel blinked at Bill and his confusion, snorting a little.

"What? I'm back in Gravity Falls!" She slowly revealed herself and her new look from 5 years of work.

"This is all messed up. Nonononono. What kind of sick tricks are you playing?! You're just messing with me!"

Bill got up and took a few steps back. He was still overwhelmed with the situation. His wound didn't help right now either. The blonde now held his head again with the pain getting worse.

"Shootingstar- you're... really here, right?"

Almost seemed like he was losing his mind.

Poor Bill.

"Eh? I'm not??" Mabel tilted her head, this time herself being confused, her hands behind her back.

"Yeah, I'm really here.

...ah-! You're bleeding!" She exclaimed, taking a step towards Bill.

"Go away! I don't need your help! I-I'm fine, it'll go away. Why are you even worrying about me?!"

Bill snapped his fingers again, praying for his powers to just suddenly return and teleport him out of this mess. But no. Of course not. Why would it work?

He sighed.

What am I even saying... Of course I need help...

"No no, you've got it all wrong." Mabel shook her head. "I'm not worrying about you.

You look like you need help anyway. You can't even... teleport away from me." She lightly chuckled, her hands on her hips.

"C'mon. Ya know ya need it. Just let me help-"

Bill crossed his arms and growled.

She's not wrong... I'm pretty much screwed.

"F-fine. You're right..." Bill gave in. "But just this once. Say... is pinetree here, too? Or did you come alone?"

Mabel beamed upon hearing Bill's response, trotting over to where he was at before shaking her head.

"I came alone. Dipper's back at the shack. That rhymed!"

"That's good to hear... kinda."

He was questioning why Mabel was so jolly, although she just met her worst nightmare again. At least that's what Bill hoped she saw him as. After all he tried to kill Dipper. And that in multiple ways.

Mabel wanted to be optimistic about her current situation, not wanting to be as rude as her brother. Plus, she wanted to see if being nice to the ex-demon (assuming) for once to see if that changes anything in him.

"Hm. I have to bring you back— I didn't take along anything with me apart from me, myself and I."

Bill nodded.

"I guess I'll have to risk dying. Sixer's gonna shoot me on sight. So uhm... help me out there, okay?"

It was clear to see that Bill was afraid. Afraid of getting shot as soon as he stepped on the property.

"Hush now, demon! I will assist with that!" Mabel laughed, gently taking Bill's hand and helping up and stabilise as well, since she heard him fall over earlier, she assumed he couldn't really, ah, walk at the moment.

We Meet Again [Mabill]Where stories live. Discover now