Rudra: One of them snatched your dupatta and when you are tried to take back, that bloody rascal raised his hand to slap you. And you are asking what's need of fighting with them. She asked gritting her teeth. The thought of her sister getting hurt making her blood boiled.

This Rajini and Rudra. They are totally opposite to each other. Rajini is sweet, innocent, calm and introvert girl where rudra is an extrovert girl and short tempered too. Rudra quickly gets angry if she gets angry no one know what will she do. Rajini is always afraid of rudra's anger. She maximum tries to make her understand her that much anger is not good but whom she is kidding, she is rudra... rudraksha. Rudra never listen her. And to rajini bad narayana also rudra's side. Whenever rajini and laxmi tried to make rudra understand, narayana jumps in middle saying she is right like few minutes back.

Rajini: He didn't slapped me.

Rudra: He would .. if i didn't come there. She remind her.

Rajini: But... it's wrong rudra. She said which made rudra more irritate.

Rudra: So what they did was right. She asked.

Rajini: No bu....

Rudra: Stop it akka... why can't you understand that everyone in the world not good as you. When will you learn to fight for yourself. She said.

Rajini became silent for sometime, she don't know what to say. She know what rudra said is true. This world is not as she thought. She wants to fight for herself but couldn't and every time rudra is the only one who stood her side as a savior.

Rajini: Okay... i'm sorry.. i.. She said placing her hand on rudra head but she jerked it away.

Rudra: Why are you apologize to me now. When you didn't done anything wrong. Stop saying sorry for everything. She said looking at her sister.

Rajini: Ok... ok... i won't ask sorry but please let me check you if there any wounds. She said and made her sit.

After completing her work rajini went to place first aid kit in same place. She placed it back and about close the cupboard door, she heard rudra voice behind her.

Rudra: By the way akka... who is that boy with you. Asked rudra.

Rajini: He is my friend. She replied looking at her.

Rudra: Friend... i didn't see him before. I know about your every friend from school then how i missed him. She said thinking.

Rajini: Because He is my college friend. She said smiling.

Rudra: Ohhh... college friend.... but why you didn't introduced him to me when i came college with you one week back. She asked raising her eyebrows, rajini gulped.

Rajini: That... i...

Rudra: Is he your boyfriend?. She asked making rajini shock.

Rajini: What... she yelled.

Rudra: Calm down akka... Why are you shouting like that, do want nanna come here. She said rajini composed herself.

Rudra: So tell me... is he is your boyfriend, i promise i won't tell nanna. She said pinching her throat as promise.

Rajini: No... no... rudra.... he... he is my friend, we are just friends... She said

Rudra: Just friends. She still not convinced with her sister answer. Rajini nodded her head.

Rudra: hmmm.. ok i believe you now but tell me, what's his name. She asked dancing her eyebrows.

Rajini: Ra... Rajan. She said

Rudra: Rajan.... nice name... can i expect this rajan as my future brother-in-law. She said making rajini shock.

Rajini: Rudra.... she start Chasing her....

Rajini: You can't catch me. She said laughing running from there.


Later at night they arranged rudra's birthday party. It's a small party with closed ones. Rudra and Rajini invited all their friends, they enjoyed the party, rajan also came there with his parents. Party went smoothly with so many laughter's. After party devaraju left mumbai with his wife, he have to attend a meeting tomorrow.

Narayana is cleaning house, rajini and rudra is helping him. They almost completed cleaning suddenly narayana phone start ringing from table. He saw the caller id and went out to attend it. After five minutes he came in hurriedly.

Narayana: Nani... angel. He called his daughters. Rajini and rudra came there from inside

Rajini: Yenti Nanna... She asked

Narayana: Nani... i'm going out... i will be come back till midnight, take care both of you. He said in hurry and went to his room and took something.

Rajini: But where are you going and why. She asked, he seems in tension now.

Narayana: I got a important work.. don't worry i will come back soon. He said.

Rudra: What is this nanna... is it necessary to go now. Asked rudra.

Narayana: Yess... my angel... it's really important.. i need to go. He said

Rudra: Everytime you are saying same. You will leave at night and won't come back till morning. What's that work which has to do only night. She asked her father showing her hurt and anger.

Narayan looked at his daughter for sometime with many emotions in his eyes.

Narayana: i'm sorry Angel... but Right now I can't tell you anything. But i promise this is the last time i'm going for this work. He said rudra looked other side. Narayana went near his daughter.

Narayana: Please angel... don't get angry on me... I cannot bear it. He said and raised her face to look him.

Narayana: Do you trust your father. He asked rudra, she immediately nodded her head.

Narayana: Then don't loss it, okay. He said, she again nodded.

Narayana: Okay, I will ask you something, will do that for me. He asked.

Rudra again nodded her head and placed her hand on her father's hand and.

Rudra: I promise nanna... i will always protect akka. i won't leave her side, never ever. She promised her father.

Narayana proudly smiled at his daughter maturity and kissed her forehead.

Rudra: Come soon nanna... we will be waiting for you. She said and went upstairs to her room. Narayana went towards rajini.

Narayana: Nani.. you also go and sleep, i will lock house from outside. he said but rajini didn't responded.

Narayana: Nani.. what happened. He asked his daughter who seems lost in her own thoughts.

Rajini: I don't know nanna but i'm feeling something wrong is going to happen... you please don't go now... you can go morning. She said

Narayana: Nani.. stop thinking too much... everything will be fine don't worry... i will come back soon.. now go and sleep. He said

Rajini: But nanna...

Narayana: Go maa... go.. go..... he said went out of house.

Rajini: Nanna... listen to me.

She said following him but narayana closed the main door locking it from outside. Rajini shouted for her father but he already gone.



That day If I could stop you from going. You would  be with us today... and I was not faced this much hate from my sister. You want to save your angel but why you forgot about me nanna... how can you do this to me.. Why did you make me do that... why are you giving me this punishment nanna... why nanna... why...

Rajini Asked looking at her father photo crying her heart out.  She cried, cried and cried until her tear dried from her eyes.

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