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"...beautiful..." I murmured, unable to tear my eyes away. Chelsea flinched, embarrassed at hearing a different complement than she expected. She probably thought I would say "cute," or, "adorable," but none of those words do justice to her...

Chelsea wore a black, two piece swimsuit, the upper piece being tied at the front, showing off her small, yet modest chest. It was the same with the bottom piece, being tied on either side of her hips. Although Chelsea isn't very well endowed in her height and chest, the one thing that is developed is her lower half, having shapely hips with slender legs, a curved behind usually hidden with her stockings and skirt. Despite the fact that the swimsuit can be described as provocative when worn on others, Chelsea gave the swimsuit a factor that only enhanced the natural beauty she possesses.

The black color of her swimsuit contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, and the long and straight snow white hair only accented her strangely alluring body. However, Chelsea's deep blue eyes with white pupils in the shape of stars were nervous, the outgoing and happy look being replaced with a look of self-doubt and worry. Due to our shared link, I could tell that she doesn't feel comfortable with her body state...It hurts, seeing her in pain about something like this.

I felt my face grow crimson red, a lump forming in my throat. My arms shook, as I unconsciously moved to Chelsea. The petite girl flinched away, hugging herself sadly. Is she ashamed of herself? My eyes softened, as I gently glided behind Chelsea, snaking my bare arms around her neck. Chelsea flinched at the skin contact, as I slowly enveloped her in a comforting embrace, holding her gingerly.

"...Don't hide from me...You are beautiful, and don't tell yourself otherwise." I stated firmly, speaking louder to get my point across. Chelsea flushed red, slowly hugging my bare torso and pressing her cheek against my pale stomach. I sighed, letting her nuzzle into my stomach, feeling myself tickled with the bare skin contact. Oh, Chelsea...how many times do I have to reassure you that you are an attractive girl?

"Say it again..." Chelsea breathed, lifting her head off my stomach to look up at me. Her eyes were pleading, glistening with self-doubt and shame, almost crying "Please...Say I'm beautiful again..."

I'll do it as many times as you need me to, Chelsea.

"...You are beautiful."


"You are beautiful."




Not enough to convince you? Fine. Guess I'll be you for a minute and say what's in my head.

"Chelsea, you are beautiful. No, the word doesn't fit anymore. You are stunning, alluring, and I'm glad that it's only us in this pool, because if any other man looks at you, I'll kill him. My chest is tighter than it ever has been before, and if you gave me the chance, I'll latch on to you for the rest of the day, and do nothing but tell you how amazing you are without a break."

The words poured out of my mouth before I could realize what I was saying. But seeing Chelsea like this is making me territorial. I won't let any other man touch her...I am hers, and she is mine. At this very moment she is the only thing that exists in this world.

Chelsea still looked unconvinced at my words, her beautiful blue eyes glistening in pain and shame. Seeing no other option, I backed up, much to Chelsea's reluctance. Thinking I was leaving her, she wrapped her arms around me tightly, unwilling to let me go. However, I backed up a little more, grabbing Chelsea's chin. Confused, Chelsea looked up at me, seemingly hurt that I was moving back. Wordlessly, I pressed my lips against hers, reassuring that my words were not empty or throwaways.

Stiffening at my sudden actions, Chelsea didn't respond at first, her face turning even more crimson than before. Finally believing my words and feeling better about herself, Chelsea melted in our embrace, fully returning with equal passion as my own. Letting out a low hum of approval, I let Chelsea drape her arms over my shoulder, pressing her half dressed body against my own while deepening the dance of emotions.

"Y-Yuu, I don't mean to interrupt you two, b-but I would like to learn how to swim..."

And like that, the moment was brought to an end as we snapped out of it, turning to my nervous younger sister. Chelsea looked at Asia for a moment, before suddenly puffing her cheek out, pouting.

"Mou~! You couldn't have given us five more minutes, Asia?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't want to upset you two!"

I let out a small smile, seeing Chelsea back to her usual self. She still hugged her body a little, in a feeble attempt to somewhat cover herself. At least she isn't in a state of self-loathing...

"...is Eve and Xenovia still changing?" I asked, returning to my normal manner of speaking.

"Yeah. Xenovia arrived when I finished, and Eve had just started changing." Chelsea replied, looking at me with her arms still crossed around her chest. Red dusted both of our cheeks as I sighed, thanking her. I've done my best to reassure her, now I can only let her relax at her own pace.

"...wait, what's Add and Koneko doing right now?"

We all heard impatient tapping, revealing Koneko still dragging a red faced, unconscious Add by his leg, tapping her small foot on the ground.

"...sorry, Koneko. we'll fill it up now."

Without another word, I turned to Chelsea, gesturing at the pool. I'm a bit too tired to cast a spell, and I still want Chelsea to take her mind off her swimsuit. Understanding, Chelsea excitedly raised one of her hands, the other covering her upper half, and snapped her fingers. A large stream of water appeared, slamming into the pool's bottom and filling it up. Some of the water splashed outside the rim, but it's fine.

"Senpai, wake up..."


Before Add could faint again, I swiftly karate chopped the top of his head lightly, snapping him out of it. Stoically pushing him to Koneko, the Nekomata quickly wrapped Add under her arm, carrying him off to the edge of the pool. Add looked at me, pleading for help, but all I said was, "...man up. don't disappoint her. the last thing you need is an angry girl."

And so, a beloved brother was lost that day, handed tot he mercy of a Cat girl.

"Should we have helped him, Yuu-kun?"

"...it's fine...he'll be alright."


((next chapter will be worked on immediately, sorry for making y'all wait a month for this. thinking of going back to fix lore and grammar mistakes)

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