Chapter 2

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•Your POV•

     "My name is (Y/N). Its a pleasure to meet you." I told the man. "By how you two are dress, I'm guessing you are his butler." I said towards the man. "That would be correct. This is my young master, Ciel Phantomhive. I am Sebastian, his butler." Sebastian bowed. "I best be on my way. It was great talking to you two." I said. It was weird how Ciel hadn't said anything yet. I guess he's shy. "Where are you headed Miss (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked. I thought for a moment. "I'm heading home." I lied. "Its quite late to be wandering around. Especially with a murder on the loose." Ciel spoke for the first time.

     "Oh, he speaks!" I said, half joking. Ciel only glared at me. "Sorry. I guess I hadn't heard much about a murder. I was just making my way home so I didn't think I'd run into them." Ciel nodded. "How far away is your home." He asked. "Not far. I bet I could make it in a few minutes." I replied. I starting panicking a little. Ciel looked at my suitcase. "Looks like you're not heading home. Where are you really going?"

     I stepped back. "Like I said. I'm going home. I just came back from a trip. I lost track of my parents so I'm heading back myself." I lied again. I could tell Ciel wasn't buying it. "Its super late. I have to go. My parents are probably very worried." I said. I started to turn around. "Not so fast, Lady (Y/N)." Ciel said. I slowly turned around to face Ciel. "What is it?" I asked nervously. Before he could answer the music from earlier started to play again.

     Ciel looked around. "We have to get out of here." I said quickly. Something was off about that guy from earlier. I attempted to grab Ciel's wrist. He quickly pulled his arm away. "Don't touch me!" He yelled. I stared at him for a second, shocked. I shook my head. "Hurry up! The music isn't a good sign!" I yelled at Ciel and started back the way I came. I could hear Ciel and Sebastian's footsteps behind me as I crossed the street again.

     Once we could't hear the music I stopped and turned around. "I think we're clear." Ciel hadn't stopped glaring at me. "What was that?" He asked me. "Well earlier today I was walking in an alleyway and ran into a creepy doll looking guy. He was playing that same song. There was something really off about him, so I ran. He must have been following me." I told Ciel.

     "Its not safe around here after dark. You should stay the night at my mansion." Ciel said. He finally lifted his glare. I would decline but from what's been happening I decided to take his offer. "That would probably be best. Lead the way." I said. Ciel nodded and started walking towards the mansion.

----------- (Means time jump)

     When we got to the mansion, Sebastian opened the door for us. The mansion was incredible. I had seen nothing like it before. "Give her a guest room." Ciel said, not stopping to look at Sebastian. "Yes master." Sebastian bowed then started up the stairs. "Please follow me, Lady (Y/N)." I nodded and followed Sebastian. He lead me to an amazing room. I can't believe I actually get to stay in a room like this. I set my suitcase on a chair and got a change of clothes out. After I changed I blew out the candle and went to bed. 


     I woke up right as the sun started to rise. The bed is super comfortable. I don't think I've ever slept that well before. I got up and changed into clean clothes. I stepped out into the hallway and started down it. I realized that I had forgotten which way the entrance was. I didn't know my way around the mansion so I just walked around. It was huge! Well, I mean what did I expect from a mansion? I started to smell food and decided to follow it.

     I eventually found my way to the main entrance. "I made it." I yawned, stretching. I saw Sebastian in the corner of my eye. I turned to greet him. "Good morning Sebastian. Is Ciel up?"I asked. "Good morning to you, Lady (Y/N). I was just about to get him up." Sebastian said. I was about to speak, when a knock came from the door.

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