~Dorm~ old

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-Amanda's Pov-

It was Eli, as tall and handsome as ever.Not going to lie he did look hot in that college Football jacket he always wore,He had red converse with a white and red shirt with his jacket covering more than half of his shirt he had a ball cap from baseball,Oh how he was athletic,Thats what I loved about him,He looked like a skyscraper seeing how tall he was,His dirty blonde hair was shiny,His shiny blue eyes,Oh how he was attractive,Don't get me wrong I like Julia,but I'm also in love with Eli.....

-Tong Pov-

I saw Eli,How I disliked him,He was annoying,and racist,All he talked about was racist jokes he once wrote on the board
"Why did the cat cross the road?because it was running from a Chinese man" oh how I hate him..

-Julia's Pov-
Of course he was here,He was one of the people I was NOT looking forward to seeing,Amanda was wiped for Eli ever since the 4th grade,she was blinded,ugh she doesn't see that he's a bad person i hope she finds someone better,a boy or a girl.

We looked around the dorm hall trying to find where are dorms were,Of course all the girls where in one hall and the boys in another so my roommates where Tong,And Lillian dorm room number 222 Abby,Aly,Amanda got room number 225 and Alicia,Molly,And mandy got room 230.So we where pretty close to each other.Even though me and Tong weren't to close we still made room to talk and hangout over our summer vacation.Aly and Abby went in Florida,Keaton went to Texas,And the rest of us stayed home as usual,I wasn't so sure what the boys rooms where..After we all unpacked us girls waited in the library for the boys to finally show up

-Keaton's Pov-

I got dorm number 565 with Landon,Kelly,and Kamden in my dorm,Great this is going to be so fun.. the dorms where pretty big but with all us i was cramped so I had no were to put my mini fridge with all the kfc and Taco Bell I had in it so I just put in the bathroom.That will be okay right?

ANYWAYS,It was utter madness in my dorm while we where unpacking Landon was dancing to songs while unpacking,Kamden and Kelly where being way to gay for each other,I mean I'm not against LGBTQ+ at all,Wait I forgot I'm gay! Silly me sorry no brain cells,So after we all unpacked we met the girls in the Library since they wanted to see if the was any wattpad story's,I don't know why they turned those into movies,

-Aly's Pov-

Oh how I was so resisting to hit Keaton in the head with my metal water bottle,It took all the power in me not to do it,He was being stupid and asking for more of my Cotten candy grapes and gummy bears.I did see a cute girl in the library though so that made it at least a little bit better.Okay I'm getting side tracked got to go back to not trying to hit Keaton I'm doing good so far...so far

-Tongs Pov-

I have the most options,And somehow I still can't find someone to date,For god sakes I'm PanSexual.I mean it's whatever even if I got to dating someone my parents are EXTREMELY homophobic,I dreaded going home,My brother oh god my brother,he sucked...he always beat me up and my dad didn't do ANYTHING to help me so I've always dreaded going back there for holiday break...

-Abbys Pov-

It was chaotic it there....Amanda was talking about Julia,Aly was talking about her ex-girlfriend it seemed as so that everything was closing in on me,This can't happen,At least not now,not today,not ever,I didn't want to have another one but I couldn't control my emotions so I just sat there on my bed watching everything unfold, Crying,I didn't feel good this atmosphere was not what I was used to.So it happened.I had a panic attack,I got these often even as a young child.It was safe to say my childhood hurt me,A lot I didn't know how to cope until I got older,in high school they became worse,so I did have to see a therapist once every week or maybe even three if I had a bad week,Oh how I hated having them,they hurt I was sitting there in a ball until Aly comes up to me

"What's wrong"Aly said looking concerned

Aly never really showed all "lovey dovey" emotions but it was clear to see she did want to see her friends hurt no matter what she says,she cared and it was good to know it made me feel better indeed,Amanda stoped doing what ever the hell she was doing.

A couple minutes went passed,I felt better,I was lucky to have people in my life to care for me and help me,I was thankful

-Keaton's Pov-

We had to rush and we knew if we didn't Abby would kill us so I was picking up my pase but Kamden and Kelly where so slow Landon was already there HES a really fast walker can't relate though...my legs hurt I shouldn't have ate all the kfc and Taco Bell a minute ago or I would be fine.My stomach was aching horribly I hate stomach pains

Kelly and Kamden are showing each other memes in the hallway.How much longer do I have to walk to get to the god damn library?it was taking forever

Abby halanananananananananana Sour patch kids is calling
Decline -Accept-

"Where the hell are you"Abigail yelled in the phone

"I'm on my way I promise Kamden and Kelly are showing each other memes I'm so sorry"I start to say feeling myself cry

"Okay,please don't cry I can't deal with another one of your mental breakdowns right now"Abigail said and hung up

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