Chapter 16- Play Time

Start from the beginning

"Alright, now get off my line or I'll throw a scorpion in your room."

"You know I love those! Bye!" I shook my head. Nothing scares her. She grew up with my father and he trained her to run the family business in Spain. Once she turned eighteen he handed over the business. Now, she's 21 and running things like it was always hers. I can only imagine what he put her through after all he's done to me. She's the only one I loved besides my mother. That changed recently but I see now I'll have to let that die. I looked out the window and just enjoyed the car ride. I got on the plane and had a few glasses of bourbon to relax.

When we touched land I got a text from my sister saying, "Race you there." I told Big John to hit the gas or it'll be his ass... he took that to heart. We almost hit a semi truck on the way to the house. She still managed to beat me home. Lucky for her driver to win, otherwise he'd be meeting his maker.

"Look at my big brother looking like the rebel he's always been!" She gave me a hug and smelled like cinnamon and green apples. She had on a red suit from head to toe with her hair pushed back. The sun in Spain did her skin good with a glow.

"I see Spain rubbed off on you. Got the whole suit in one color and hair slicked back." I laughed as she punched me in the gut.

"Yeah, it's silk too. Light and feels like I'm naked." She winked at me. She knows comments like that disgust me. "Where's Daniel?" She added.

"Off doing a job I gave him. Stop harassing my men and let's grab something to eat." I went to walk inside but she stopped me.

"What's this I hear about you having a girl in your house, high speed chases, and turning down my girl Blue?" That's who she was? One of her girls.

"None of your business and the past."

"Talk or I'll get involved with your past." She went straight into business mode.

"I'll explain if you just come inside at least. I'm trying to be a nice big brother." Frustration was kicking in and you can hear it in my voice.

"Okay, after me then." She walked inside and sat in the middle of the big couch in the living room crossing her legs. I sat across on the other couch and sighed. I should get it over with.

I explained how I first saw Celeste, the jobs with Donovan and Celeste, how we got closer as I did the job for her, how I felt about her, and what happened in Paris.

"Whoa! Okay, that's enough sharing. So Matthew has her at his home and your sulking because she's made you feeling something other than anger and orgasms that you've experienced on the regular? Sounds like you're a pussy."

"Watch it or you'll have your tail between your legs." I growled.

"Hey, it's obvious she'd want to go with her father but you can't be mad at her for doing so. She's been looking for him for years just like he was for her. She'll come back to you if what she said that night was true. You just need to let her go and give her time." She made sense but I just didn't see it that way the moment he took her. I saw it as her walking away from me and choosing him.

I nodded.

"Now, I'm feeling too sensitive and mushy." She pulled out her gun and shot the statue on the table. "I want to see something wild." She smirked at me.

"Well, I got a few people that are late on paying me. Wanna help?" I raised a brow and the excitement in her eyes spoke for her. I grabbed my keys and she followed me to the car with her personal body guard Stan.

I drove to see an associate of mine named Tyson. Tyson owes me a lot of money and it racked up on some serious interest. If I'm correct he owes a good five hundred million dollars and add another two million for interest. He's been hiding since last week thinking I would forget. I sent Daniel ahead of me to pull his ass from his little hideout.

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