Part 2-Foxfire

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It had been three days since Sophie moved in with Grady and Edaline.
And now she had to do the one thing she hated most...go to school.
Foxfire high wasn't a big fancy school. But Sophie was going to be the new kid. She didn't really care about making friends though. Friends meant more people to lose. She had realized she had really cruddy luck when it came to losing good people in her life.

When Sophie got dressed. She decided to wear this.

It was a little attention grabbing, but let's be honest if you wear something totally boring, it would bring even more attention to you

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It was a little attention grabbing, but let's be honest if you wear something totally boring, it would bring even more attention to you.
She walked downstairs to the kitchen to be met with a smiling Edaline holding a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.
Sophie's eyes widened they looked delicious. And they were. The. Best. Pancakes. EVER!!!
After Sophie was done eating she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door.
FH was only about a quarter mile down the road so Sophie would be walking to school every day. When Sophie got there she was a little lost. She was supposed to go to the principles office and get her schedule there. But where the heck is the principles office!
She finally decided to ask someone.
"Umm.. excuse me, can you tell me where the principles office is?" She finally asked a boy with blonde hair and periwinkle eyes.
"Down that hall third door on the left." The boy said with a smile."Also I'm Dex."
"Sophie, and thanks" Sophie hurrily walked away.
She didn't need to make conversation. She didn't need to make friends. She didn't need to lose anyone else. Sophie cringed at how cringey and cliche that was.

She found the office easily enough thanks to Dex's  instructions.
"Umm..hello?" Sophie asked when she walked in.
"Oh, you must be the new student!" A lady at the front desk said as she looked up from her computer."Here's your schedule."
She handed Sophie a paper and smiled.
"Good luck, Sophie."

Sophie's classes went by pretty quickly and soon enough it was lunch time.

Sophie waited around her 10 minutes before going to the cafeteria, that way everyone would already be settled. She says at the first empty table she saw and pulled out her phone so she didn't look like nobody would sit with her, instead she looked like she wanted to be left alone. And for about 2 seconds she was left alone. Then the boy from earlier Dex, sat down right in front of her.
"Hey, Sophie," He said with a smile.
Hey guys! This chapter wasn't quite as short as the last one but the next one will be longer. I'll work on it as much as I can! Well I gotta go do homework😔.
Bye for now my alicorns!👋

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