"And you two broke up because?"

"Personal reasons that have nothing to do with Bryce's death. So just ask me what you want to ask me so I can go."

"Were you angry with Bryce because people called him a rapist?" I scoff

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"Were you angry with Bryce because people called him a rapist?" I scoff.

"Yeah I was. But that didn't mean I wanted to see him dead."

"Where did you want to see him?"

"In a jail cell with the rest of the rapists."

"But you wanted him to hurt right?"

"Emotionally. Not physically. I wanted him to feel the pain he inflicted on others. I wanted him to feel sorry. Genuinely sorry."

"And?" I sigh.

"Sheriff please. I get you have a job to do but you are asking the wrong person. Yes Bryce fucked up. He fucked up big time but I didn't want him dead. The day I found out Jeff died, Bryce drove me to his parents house and he picked me up. He sat behind me at Jeff's funeral. He stood by Jeff's parents and myself while we cleaned out his gym locker." I pause. "Huh."


"I can't believe I forgot that."

"Forgot what?"

"After it was cleaned out, Bryce sat next to me on that bench for an hour and a half while I stared at his empty locker. Hoping that it would refill itself." I snap back. "I'm not excusing what he did. I'm just telling you that I have nothing personally against Bryce. He did nothing to me. And besides I'm trying to graduate early so I don't have the time to kill someone and attempt to get away with it."

"Why are you graduating early? Are you running from something?"

"Hell yeah I'm running. I'm jetting. My mother died here, my best friend in the whole world died here... then all that stuff with Hannah, the trial and now Bryce? Wouldn't you leave too if you could? I'm ready for the next step."

"And that is?"


"New York. That's a far jump."

"I'm ready. I'm ready to go."

"I think I got all I need. Thank you for coming in. And good luck with everything."

"Thank you. I hope you find him."


Zach Dempsey

I knock on Kerba's office door.

"There he is. The star Captain. What's up?"

"I have to resign as Captain."

"Zach, just because you're not on the field doesn't mean that you're not an integral part of this team. The way you lead these guys, it gives me hope for future.

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