Charlotte: Part-2

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After about fifteen minutes of trying to convince me that they won’t hurt me and that they want to help, I finally decide for myself that they aren’t a threat. Of course I was still caution. I kept a very comfortable distance as we walked from the cave. I shivered as a gust of wind blew, and the man, who’s name I found out was James Hollow, handed me a huge trench coat that seem to just swallow my small body. I nodded my head in gratitude.

    We finally stopped in front of a large, blue cabin house. The outside of the cabin looked very old and vintage, but somehow seemed modern. From the outside the house, the inside appears to be dark but there was light shining through the front window indicating more people. James opened the front door to me. I nervously shifted from foot to foot, before stepping inside.

    Warmth and the wonderful smell of jasmine flowers hit me like a ton of bricks, yet in a good way. It made me feel. . . .at home. I unconsciously smiled and moved toward the smell, but stopped as I heard a soft chuckle behind me. I flushed as I turned towards where the chuckle came from. I saw a teen boy and a young girl sitting on a couch with awed and curious expressions, however, there was a teen girl sitting next the boy wearing a scowl.

    The young girl had bright red hair in pigtails and green eyes with freckles. She was wearing cute penguin pajamas holding a stuffed teddy bear, giving a timid smile. The teen boy and girl both had dark brown hair, but different colored eyes. Even though the boy had green eyes and girl blue eyes, the looked strikingly similar. I am guessing they are twins? The boy was wearing dark blue jeans and a grey hoodie, while the girl was wearing a mid thigh skirt, with a large white sweater.   

“Mom, who's this girl?” Asked the older girl, a bit rudely. 

    The woman, Clarissa Hollow, pursed her lips and glared at the rude girl. She turned towards me, her expression softened and she cooed at me like I was a fragile kitten , “Sweetheart, these are my children.” 

    She first pointed towards the boy and introduced them one by one. “This is Jonny.” The boy way and gave a mischievous smile, Next, she pointed towards the little girl. “My sweet little Anna.” Last she pointed towards the rude girl. “And that’s Cherry.”

    “Now kids, this is our. . .guest. . . ?" Clarissa walked trailed off with a frown, but her expression was hopeful.“What is your name, Sweetheart?”

    I frowned deep in thought. What was my name? After all this time I’ve been awake, I never thought about my name. Nevertheless, the more I thought about it, the more something became clear. The name was so familiar and felt so right. It called to me like a beacon.

    I smiled shyly and whispered, “Charlotte.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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