The master heist, part 1.

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It was a blissful afternoon mother had been resting in bed, her hand gently stroking her bludging stomach, and a warm smile on her face, beside her kneeled father holding her other hand. My mother is now 8 months in with her firstborn child. Me.

 The word “happiness” was not even close to describing how they felt. They were, ecstatic. My parents were just like any other… Only not. You see, my parents aren’t human, they’re demons. My father is the king of darkness, basically the ruler of the underworld. My mother was his beloved demon bride; so, the queen of the underworld. I was their Heir-in-waiting.

It wasn’t until late afternoon when something completely out of the blue occurred. Mother had been feeling poorly all day; Her body had been aching so. My father thought it would be best if she got some fresh air, so he escorted her on a stroll through their castles rose garden.

 As they walked mother’s pains grew stronger, until it nearly brought her to her knees She let out a cry of agony as a watery liquid trickled down her legs. Just like that, it all pieced together, the weakness, the pain, and now the liquid running down her legs. I had come early and my parents didn’t suspect a thing. The guards and staff weren’t in sight for miles and I was only minutes from emerging. So my father help deliver me. He took off his shirt and vest; he used his vest as a pillow for mother’s head, laid mother down, spread her leg open and removed her underwear, He then laid out his shirt as a surface to protect from infection underneath mother’s legs. Mother let out an almighty cry, she yelled “It’s coming!! It’s coming!!” 

Slowly I emerged out from between her legs, head first. My father used his hands to support my fragile body his gloves becoming soaked with blood. My mother moaned, and screamed between shallow harsh breaths. Then finally after 17 minutes of struggle I had arrived in to the underworld. My father had cut my umbilical cord with his fangs and had gave me a neat, tight knot, then wrapping me in his shirt he handed me to my now exhausted mother. By the time the slaves arrived I was already in the middle of my first feed. In that moment there was no good or bad, just perfect. A pause in time that only my mother, father and me, their perfect demon son. A couple weeks later my father held a ball, in honour of their firstborn. I was expected to open my eyes for the first time that day. My father couldn’t wait, he had invited all the most powerful monsters in all of the underworld to attend, surly just to brag about his glory, and how I would grow up to be just like him. My mother and me in her arm by his side, the only time she would say something was if she whispered it in my father’s ear. It was around midnight when the moment of truth arrived; I opened my eyes but instead of cheering I got mutters, whispers, and mockery. My father’s face dropped at the crowd’s reaction as he went to look at me he went as white as a sheet. My eyes were in-cermetrical; one was that of a demon and the other of a human. He then glared at my mother who was in utter shock at the results with utter hate. “How dare you woman!!” He bellowed at her “Bringing me this- this half blood scum!!” My mother fell to her knees in tears “I-it’s not what it looks like I swear!” She cried.

“You filthy WHORE!!” He continued in complete rage, Baring his fangs. He walked straight up to mother a lifted her up by her neck, strangling her. she coughed and choked. My father waved his other hand in a circular motion towards a section of the ballroom floor and chanted “By the power of all things cloaked by Satan’s shadow may the pathway between the realm of gods children and the land of the un-dead be open once again!” After he finished the verse the ceiling sank it and from it spewed bolts of lightning and sucked everything in its path in to it; it was a black hole. Just before mother and I were tossed in to the portal my father spoke his last words to us “To you my once beloved, may you get tortured and then burnt at the steak, and may your baby get slaughtered by the hand of heaven and hell.” As he tossed us in a singular tear fell from his eye, my mother let out a blood-curdling scream reaching for my father as she got pulled away from the underworld by the dark and dooming vortex. We were pulled through that dark tunnel until we reached the light of another world. We arrived in the middle of London. The portal sealed up within seconds behind us. Mother knew this kind; humans, beings of good and bad. She held me close and held her hand out at the gawking crowd and hissed. One of them called out “’ey tha’ woman just came ou’a tha’ swirly ‘ole! She’s a WI’CH!” The crowd roared and booed at mother and i. Mother made a break for it running down an ally way in hopes to shake off the crowd, she crouched down by a pile of rubbish and placed me down wrapping me in her scarf and gave me a kiss on the forehead “Good bye sweetheart, don’t forget about me.” She said as a tear rolled down her rosy cheek. She then got up and ran towards the crowd. My mother burnt alive that day. As the commotion died down a couple of thieves found me. “Well, well, well. Wo’ do we ‘ave ‘ere, ‘ey? Well I’ll be! It’s a tike!” said one of them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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