Hades' lips curled into a dark smile, "Oh yes, nephew. I will enjoy watching my children lead an unbeatable army into that camp very much."

"You understand the plan though, right?" Perseus asked cautiously, making sure he and Hades were on the same page.

"Yes," Hades agreed. "I understand your plans and Nico and Bianca are well aware of what they need to do."

Perseus smiled, "Good. Then we shall deploy our forces at sundown. Soon, my friend, the children of Hades will take their rightful place as the heroes they have been denied for far too long."

Hades looked pleased by his words and gave him a small nod of appreciation before he was engulfed by shadow and vanished from Mount Othrys. Perseus watched him disappear before he too was swallowed by darkness as he headed to gather his forces as they prepared to enter the Labyrinth in just a few short hours.

Line Break

Thalia paced in front of the encampment set up in the woods of Camp Half Blood. The demigods had spent the past few days setting up the defenses of camp in the clearing surrounding the rock formation that made up Zeus' fist.

Tents were pitched intermittently along the edge of the the clearing. A command base, an infirmary and a weapons tent circled the edge of the forest leading towards camp.

In the area directly in front of the rock formation were rows and rows of traps. Land mines from the Ares Cabin and booby traps designed by the Hermes cabin covered the first forty feet of land leading out of the entrance to the Labyrinth.

Strategically placed at the edge of the trees leading into the forest were catapults designed by the Hephaestus Cabin. Each one was loaded with a different deadly payload. Celestial Bronze cannon balls, Celestial Bronze shrapnel and glowing vials of greek fire were loaded and primed, waiting to be launched into the attacking army. The first two glistened from a healthy dousing of greek fire as well, ready to be lit before being fired at the enemy.

The Apollo Cabin and the Hunters had built tree stands in the trees surrounding the clearing, each one holding archers with several extra quivers, all with clear lines of sight to the entrance of the Labyrinth. The rest of the campers were running around to help with last minute preparations. But when the battle came, they would fall into a half dozen phalanxes spaced intermittently between the tree stands and catapults, prepared to repel whatever enemy emerged from the maze.

A nervous energy ran through the campers as they waited for the battle to come. It had been a few days since Thalia, Clarisse, Grover and the hunter Celyn had returned from their quest and the entire camp walked on eggshells knowing the attack was imminent.

Daedalus stood in the command tent, offering advice the the Athena campers as they prepared battle plans.

Thalia walked alongside Chiron with her spear strapped to her back, as he inspected the defenses. She eyed their forces closely before a sudden realization occurred to her.

"Chiron," she asked looking around, "What about the nymphs and dryads? Where are they?"

Chiron's lips pursed and his back hooves shuffled back and forth nervously as he looked around, making sure no other campers were within earshot.

"Grover has rallied as many as he can," the old centaur said quietly, "they will do what they can to help when the battle begins."

"As many as he can?" Thalia asked raising an eyebrow.

Chiron sighed and gave her a look that said she already knew what he was about to say.

"Pan has returned," he shook his head, "and he is already influencing many of the nature spirits. They aren't going to help Perseus' army in this fight but they also won't fight against him."

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