Jealousy 2.0

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{Pre-hair dye Dolan}
Of course, it just had to happen. Right there and then was when Harrison started flirting with her. That little witch, who does she think she is?! What happened in potions that suddenly got them so chummy with each other? Dolan paced back and forth in his own mind. He just didn't understand. It's not like he actually cared about any relationships, just... why hasn't Harrison spoken to him in the past three days?! It was getting him so irritated. Everything was fine before Potions. They were in the closet, 30 minutes to spare when a professor almost caught them. Dolan had wished that encounter would continue after class, but the Gryffindor didn't even bat an eye towards the Slytherin. Let alone make a single remark towards him or anyone else! The stupid kid just followed that Ravenclaw out the door and hasn't left her side, NOT that Dolan has been watching them. What even happened during Potions? All he remembered was he was partnered with Evangeline, Harrison was with her and they were given the assignment to create a truth serum. Dolan had originally thought it would be useful for more favors, but Ev was against it and the boy in black had agreed to not use it if it meant she'd shut up. Rowan was acting all giddy as she added the ingredients to the cauldron, Dolan noticed the confused look on Harrison's face before going back to his signature smile. Was he confused about an ingredient? Did he need help with his recipe? It was a painfully simple potion. Dolan didn't dwell on it, but he wished he had. Maybe it would help him figure out what's going on. Maybe seeing the Gryffindor would help as well, but Harrison has been avoiding him at all costs. SERIOUSLY?! What the hell did he do? They haven't fought, they barely insulted each other, and they were having a good time together. Dolan had thought so. Harrison was good at holding grudges... Did something from their past come up? Was calling him a "wimp" too much? Ughh, all of these questions gave Dolan a headache. He sat down in the Slytherin common room, hands gripped at his hair. Why was he so stressed? Did he really care that much? The green clad stood up from his spot, fixed his outfit and hair, dusted off and began to head for his next class. He could use a good distraction.

Dolan held his books to his side as he strutted down the hallways, he noticed a group of students clumped together and tried to walk pat them, but of course, someone was clumsy. Clumsy enough to bump into any passerbyers, and cute enough to make one of them stop in his tracks. "Hey! Watch where you're going, Snake," he laughed and Rowan was clinging to his side, glaring at the Slytherin. Dolan almost didn't see her, he was too distracted by the completely vibrant eyes that Harrison was sporting. There was no way that narcissist, who would practically stare at his own eyes in the mirror, would wear colored contacts. Dolan felt his lips turn to a frown before turning around and speed-walking to class. How did he not think of it before? No simple "truth serum" turns its victim's eyes Purple! His scowl deepened when he thought of all the scenarios this could have happened, only one was plausible. Rowan sabotaged her own project to get close to his- . . . to Harrison. HARRISON! There's no way she actually memorized a love potion that lasted this long, though. So, has she really been slipping some to Harrison every few hours?! Well, props to her. Though Dolan wouldn't admit it, he admired her level of manipulation (even though she wasn't sneaky about it at all). But this boy wasn't hers to manipulate, in fact he didn't deserve to be manipulated. So now Dolan was going to do something about it, and he had just the idea to do so.

It was potions class again, this time students had to simply pick their partners. Dolan had spoken to Evangeline about what was going, she agreed to his plan because she wanted to help her fellow Gryffindor and friend. Once the professor dismissed them to pick partners, Eva and Dolan jumped to action. Evangeline quickly grabbed Rowan by the shoulders and spoke in an excited tone, "Do you want to be partners with me?" Rowan was slightly stunned by the enthusiasm and would have pointed to Harrison as they were already partners, if she didn't see a certain spider already talking to the Head boy. "Sure, why not?" Ev took Rowan by the arm and lead her away from the only two my readers care about in this story. She wished Dolan good luck on whatever he planned to do.

"What do you want, Snake?" Harrison's arms were crossed and he had a sneer on his face. Dolan slightly gestured to Rowan being taken away, "It looked like you didn't have a partner anymore." Harrison turned and cursed under his breath as he saw everyone else get partnered up. "Lucky for you, I don't have one either," Dolan smirked and held out his hand. Harrison raised an eyebrow before turning towards his desk, "You better not suck at potions."
"Wouldn't dream of it."

Laughter filled the room as each student either failed or succeeded in their mixing and measurements. Sea partnered himself up with Dex, Celeste somehow convinced Luke to help him out, and Bee began creating mayhem with Iris. It was a unique session, especially for the Slytherin and Gryffindor raging over their puffing cauldron. A slip of gillyroot and Harrison would've turned turquoise had Dolan not pushed him away from it. "And you were worried about my IQ?" Dolan questioned the shrimp currently underneath him. Said shrimp looked to the boy above him and... didn't say a word. It was as if he was in a trance, waiting to be awoken. Dolan got off him and quickly helped the red clad up from where he fell. Beep! Beep! Dolan heard it coming from Ev's station, just in time to see Rowan with her wand out. A tong! made Harrison jump and looked up to see glitter falling around his own work station. "What's going on?" the lion asked, completely astonished. "I put a protective barrier around our station, so no one would mess with us," was the answer he was given. Dolan looked to Rowan, the girl internally screaming and pulling at her hair, then turned to the cauldron and began to start their potion over again. "Shall we continue?" He looked to the Gryffindor just as the sparks in their mixing pot died down. Harrison swallowed a lump in his throat as he felt the heat rise in his face. Who knew this Slytherin was so... mesmerizing. "Sure thing, babe," he laughed, right before slapping a hand over his mouth. The sentiment caused Dolan to smile, genuinely smile, making the Head Boy's blush deepen, maybe even raise to his ears.

Harrison wasn't sure what to expect, surely not a shriek from the blue eyed Ravenclaw he's been with these past few days. He especially didn't expect to find a kinship with a Slytherin, one of his worse enemies. Not to mention the flirty slips from his mouth, why did he find the blonde so charming? With that dastardly smile and those bastard-rimmed glasses, and those stupid eyes that sparkled whenever any light reflected on them... oh no. No. No no. He couldn't possibly... did he like the boy? This wasn't right. The Gryffindor was sure he liked Rowan, but now he wasn't. As the questions began to pile up, the boy felt dizzy and watched his questions spin along with the room. It wasn't long before he collapsed and Dolan was at his side. He saw the boy's lips moving, but all he could hear was the endless ringing. Rowan ran up, but instead of kneeling to his side like Harrison had thought... she PUSHED Dolan aside and pointed at him accusingly. The professor was beginning to help the little lion up and handed him a pale yellow formula. Harrison hesitantly swallowed the scorching liquid and shut his eyes tight from the pain. "Luke, will you take him to the Gryffindor Common Room, and I want you two to figure out your little issue," she pointed to the raging Ravenclaw and glaring Slytherin. The curled ginger in yellow hopped down from his work station and slung Harrison's left arm over his shoulder. He wasn't sure if he could carry the boy all the way when his partner showed up on the head boy's right. "Need some help?" Celeste  asked with a smile. Luke huffed and lead them throughout the large hallways.

After Potions, Dolan was definitely content with never seeing that little bookworm again. He was fuming as he headed for the library, night as well read or something. All he wanted right now was for Harrison to go back to normal. Right before he could open the door, a hand creeped onto the snake's shoulder and someone hissed in his ear, "miss me." Dolan gripped the hand and spun around, pressing his weight to the arm. "Ow ow ow ow. DOLAN, it's me!" Harrison yelled in exasperation. The green clad immediately released him, for moment he looked guilty. For a moment. "What do you want?" Dolan crosses his arms and spotted his frown, giving off his most intimidating look. Harrison wiggles his eyebrows and whispered his dirty little secret, "I was hoping we could finish what we stared~" Dolan blushed slightly at the thought. Was his Harrison back this time? "This time we don't get caught, ok?" The boy in red had requested with a wink. Dolan nodded and landed a quick kiss to Pendrake's nose. "See you later~"

(Yes, the extra names are actual characters around TikTok) this is so long ago 😅

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