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Harrison did not like this. What did that Hufflepuff think he was doing!? He watched as a taller male held a bright and confident smile in DOLAN'S DIRECTION! The Head boy  nearly gave out a growl as he eyeballed the man. Dolan looked pretty uncomfortable every time he noticed the yellow clad, but Harrison couldn't just swoop in there and stop this. He wasn't even sure what they were, since Dolan doesn't "do labels." That only made their situation more frustrating. Were they boyfriends or not?! Were they seriously just friends...(no not even that) enemies or even rivals with benefits? Ugh, now the Badger was standing up. Good, maybe he'll leave...

HE DID NOT LEAVE!! I REPEAT HE DID NOT LEAVE! Harrison was beginning to fume as the Hufflepuff sashayed towards his snake of a partner. Sea seemed to notice something was off and started to pester his good friend about it. "Oooo, looks like someone's going to get their ass beat by Harrison tonight." That comment definitely made Leo turn around and leave his girlfriend for the moment being, "ok, what's going on?"
"Absolutely nothing!" Harrison said a little quickly, he knew it was too quickly as well. "Right, and I'm a muggle posing as a wizard for over 2 years." Harrison just looked at his best friend, "I'm fine, seriously." Raising an eyebrow, Leo looked towards the Hufflepuff Harrison flared at more and more. "So what exactly did Pony Boy, Xavier, do?" Leo asked, or more demanded for an answer. "Nothing... yet," Harrison stated as if he was being cautious? Ok, Leo was worried about his mental state now. "Did you hit your head or something?" Now before the Head boy could answer, he practically caught Xavier placing a hand on Dolan's shoulder. Oh, it definitely stayed there longer than it should have. He stood up and began to staggered towards the pair, "I gotta go." Leo just watched him suspiciously, what the hell was going on?! He looked again and nearly relaxed when he saw Harrison was walking towards Dolan. Especially, since the Star child thought he was being sneaky about his little crush. Ha, hilarious. Leo turned around and decided to go back to his conversation before his girlfriend could question him about it.

"What do ya say, pretty boy? You wanna come for a ride sometime?" Xavier has just asked his small boy crush out. Being considered one of the most handsome quidditch players, he was always bombarded with girls and a couple guys sometimes. Yet, this lil' blondie had caught his eye, and he swears to Merlin if Dolan doesn't say yes. Said student was just opening his mouth to reply when Gryffindor's Head boy stopped right in front of Xavier's face, well not exactly when he realized how short the Gryffindor was. It made him chuckle. "What are you laughing at, Hot Shot? The winner of the next Quidditch championships?" Harrison said cockily, his smile wide and eyebrows arched in full confidence. Xavier tried to push Harrison away and talk to the Slytherin once more, but the red clad was just too persistent. "Hey! Helloooo, I'm talking to ya here! Can you not hear, Pony Boy?" Xavier tried his best not to snap; therefore when he turned, he simply replied, "I was actually talking to someone, if you don't mind." That ought to get him out of he— "Actually I do mind." What? Xavier was taken aback. Did Harrison really just decline his polite offer? Yes it was an invite to leave, but an invite nonetheless. Xavier looked back to Dolan, his soft hazelnut eyes were looking back at... HARRISON?! Why did his attention go to HIM?!

Dolan reaches a hand out and pulled Harrison out of Xavier's face, he turned the Gryffindor to face him with a glare. Dolan scoffed and then left the room, Xavier's shoulders slumped in defeat. Meanwhile, Harrison was overjoyed to get Dolan out of that situation and have the snake all to himself once more. Remembering that this relationship was on the down-low, he turned back to the Pony Boy and asked in a mocking demeanor, "What's his problem?" Xavier scowled, "You."
"What?" Harrison blankly stared back at the renowned Hufflepuff. "You're the problem, Harrison. There's no wondering why he left, especially after you showed up." Harrison matched the scowl and killing glare Xavier was giving him, which only caused the yellow clad to dramatically swing his cape around as he briskly left the conversation. This was not before he said, "See you at the game, Pendrake."

It had been approximately 13 minutes since Dolan had left the party and wait outside his usual spot, the one where he and Harrison "hung out." The Slytherin was simply playing with his wand, when he heard footsteps at a staggering pace to his right. He let the person's pitter patter of steps echo through the hallways. When they were close enough, Dolan went on full hunting mode and pointed his wands towards the target. His so-called target was just a boy dressed in red, putting his hands up defensively with a broad smirk upon his pale face... Harrison. "Dolan baby, you should know Magic is no match for my beauty," he laughed, causing even the cold-blooded snake to chuckle. Dolan tilted his head, gesturing to the closet right next to them and slowly spun inside. Harrison secretly grinned childishly, following suit. The door closed shut behind them...

"So why did you decided to jump in front of that Hufflepuff's face?" Dolan smirked, looking down at the star quidditch captain. Harrison faced reddened a bit, looking into Dolan's mischievous eyes. "Afraid you're gonna lose to a couple Hufflepuffs?"
"Come on, babe. You know me, afraid of losing? My team's going to win no matter what." Harrison chuckled more, continuing to stare at the blonde boy. Dolan didn't look convinced to say the least, the unimpressed face made Harrison frown a bit. "You just seemed uncomfortable around him, is all," Harrison stated, rubbing the back of his neck. The blush on Dolan's face was evident, but not as much as the small grin. "So, you were jealous~" Harrison nearly jumped in disbelief, "I WAS NOT!" He pointed accusingly at the now hysterically laughing Slytherin. "OH MY GOD! YOU WERE!" A hand was placed onto Dolan's head as he tried to keep his balance from laughing so hard. Harrison huffed, crossing his arms and turning his head. "I. Was. Not."
"Then can you explain why you stomped in the middle of a meaningless conversation between me and Pony Boy of the Hufflepuff house?" Dolan asked, eying Harrison up and down. ". . .ijusdintlike-" Harrison mumbled, yet was interrupted. "Come again," now Dolan was getting a little irritated. It was fun at first, but this time he wanted to know. Seriously, what even goes on through Harrison Star Pendrake's head? "I didn't like the way he was lookin at you, OK?! Also, didn't you notice how long his fucking hand was on your shoulder? I wanted to punch that stupid smile off his perfect fucking fac-" Harrison stopped once he saw the goofy smile on Dolan's face before the snake bursted out laughing again. His face reddened as soon as the words registered in his brain, was he seriously that jealous? "You're cute," Dolan had sighed in between chuckles. "You should know that boy means nothing to me, or I wouldn't be in this closet." Harrison stared at his somewhat-crush, mouth agape. "With you~" Dolan winked. Dolan winked...DOLAN WINKED! Harrison felt his own heart pound against his rib cage as he stared at the boy in disbelief. Did he, the flirter, become the flirtee?! With that Dolan smiled and left the room, fully clothed.

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