Fifty Three - Is kidnap always a crime?

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Renesmee walked towards the house and knocked on the door, she only now started to feel a little nervous about what she was doing. She'd never met his family but they may well have known about her, plus the last time she'd seen Ethan was at Harriet's party, where she'd ditched out early.

After a while a small lady with blonde hair answered, she politely greeted her and asked how she could help.

"Hi, I was wondering if Ethan was home please?" She asked slightly nervously.

"Oh yes dear, he's in the living room, I'll just go and get him," she said excitedly, "Who shall I say is calling?"

Renesmee contemplated the idea of lying but decided it was easiest to be truthful.

"My name is Renesmee, he knows me best as Ness," she qualified.

His Mum reacted instantly.

"Ooo, you are Ness! I thought you might be I'll just go get him."

Minutes later Ethan came out the door on the right, seemingly quite surprised by the visit.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his tone friendly.

"I need to chat to you about something," she said. He didn't look too surprised and gestured for her to come in.

"Good, I need to chat to you too," he said. She considered that a little ominous, but was pleased she was being welcomed.

He told his parents that he would be in his room if anybody needed him and led her upstairs.

On the landing a girl who looked roughly the same age as Renesmee bounded out of her room to talk to Ethan. She stopped short when she saw Renesmee with him. Ethan quickly introduced his Sister to her and visa versa.

"Oh wow, you're Ness! Blimey I thought he was exaggerating at how pretty you are, obviously not. It's nice to meet you," she said kindly.

Ethan managed to usher Renesmee past his Sister and into his room, closing the door behind him. She perched herself on the end of his bed and he remained standing.

"Right," he said, "well I wanted to talk to you about your friend, Leah."
She was very careful not to interrupt and held her breath, eager to know what he was going to say about her.

"She's pretty cool, we really hit it off at Harriet's party, and well, we met up for coffee on Monday, and I'm taking her out on a date on Saturday," he said hastily, going a little red. His eyes looking between Renesmee and the floor.
She was massively delighted at this news, Ethan liked Leah back!

"I hope you are ok with this, I know it's not been too long since we went out, but I didn't go out trying to find someone else. There's just something about Leah, she fascinates me," he said, his tone slightly apologetic.

She thought she'd let him squirm for a bit and so just stared at the floor. He started to make small noises, as if he were looking for the right thing to say, but no words came out. Finally she decided to stop messing with him and said,

"You don't need to be worried about telling me that. I think you and I know where we stand with each other. I'm really happy you two hit it off. Leah's great and I think it's brilliant that you are going to continue seeing her," she said with a smile. "That's kind of the reason I'm here. Leah, Jacob and the others have had to go away for a few days, so the rest of us are getting together and I was hoping you would join us."

She tried her puppy dog eyes on him. They worked enough to make him hesitate momentarily, but his answer was not what she was after.

"Thanks for the offer, but I've come back to spend some time with my family, so I can't really shoot off and leave them."

Never Let Me Go (Renesmee & Jacob Twilight Fanfiction) 2020Where stories live. Discover now