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Malfoy was clearly skilled. The hand that held mine immediately made its way to my waist while the other found a tight grip on my head, shoving his fingers through my hair. It was intense and it was passionate – as if we were both concealing this fire for far too long. It was filled with longing and it was incredible. I could feel my bums hit the table behind me as Malfoy leaned further in, making me take steps backwards. With my free hand I grabbed tightly onto its edge, holding on for dear life as Malfoy took my breath away.

Suddenly, both his hands take hold of my waist, lifting me up enough to sit on top of the table. Malfoy got between my open legs, pulling me harder towards his body, almost to the point of hurting my back ever so slightly, making him let out a groan against my lips. The hand that was not on my waist was now on my neck, holding softly near my jaw, turning my head swiftly towards his passionate moves. In the amidst of our heavy breaths, I managed to say:


"Say my name..." He whispered, biting my ear lobe, causing me to fail in concealing a moan.

"Draco..." I was barely able to say, my head resting on his shoulder as he deliciously bruised my neck.

"Yes?" He asked and I could almost hear the smile through his voice.

"Don't you think-" I stop mid-sentence, accidentally letting out another moan as he slightly pulled my sweatshirt down, revealing the fine tank top I had underneath, and bit my collarbone. "Don't you think we're going too far?" I say holding onto his platinum hair as he sent butterfly kisses through my jaw line.

He suddenly stopped and looked me in the eyes. Both our chests going up and down slowly, his wide pupils began to tighten back. The grip on my waist and neck loosened as his mouth became ajar.

"Merlin's beard, Hermione, I'm sorry!" He let go of me, my body almost missing his heat, his hands going towards his head as he spun on his toes, eying the room. "I-I don't know what got into me, I shouldn't-" He stopped mid-sentence, at lost for words.

"Don't get me wrong, there's no need for you to apologise." I looked somewhere else other than him. "It was good. Really good." I feel my face becoming hot. "It's just... we barely started dating and I felt for a moment there that it was just... too fast." I pulled my sweatshirt back on. "I mean, I don't want to be just another one on your list." I look down to the floor to hide my face.

"No, no, no!" Malfoy took a dash towards me, holding both of my arms. "I'm done with that part of my life! You'll never be just another one, you're the one." He looks me deep in the eyes. I can't seem to find an answer to that sudden confession. "That was a bit cheesy, wasn't it?" He let out an awkward laugh and I followed, nodding my head. "But it's the truth." He let go of my arms, now gently caressing my cheeks. "And, really, pardon me for what just happened. I guess I just kind of lost it once I found out you liked me back and meeting your pair of sisters, I guess just did no good for my body overall." He shrugged his shoulders. "Sex beast just took over!" He smiled awkwardly, making jazz hands by his head. I feel embarrassed over the fact someone found out about the size of my breasts and unconsciously cover them with my arms. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... goddamn it, Draco, can't you do one thing right?" He fights himself.

"No, it's fine..." I answer, still looking down. "It's just... I had hidden them for so long and now..."

"Why would you hide them?" Malfoy asks as if it was just any other conversation topic.

"It's embarrassing, I don't know. All girls have an average size and then there's me." I couldn't possibly face him during this conversation.

"Well, not gonna lie, the male kin actually digs them." Malfoy tries to be reasonable.

"One more reason to try and hide them."

"Actually..." Malfoy looks up to the ceiling with a hand on his chin. "That's a good idea. Yeah, hide them away. I don't want anyone else finding out about this. You're already gorgeous enough as you are, if boys find out about this extra plus, they'll be lining up to you and I don't want any of that." He crossed his arms over his wide chest and I couldn't help but just laugh. Both at his adorable jealousy and at how he made a subject that was sort of a taboo of mine become weirdly comfortable to talk about.

"You're not real..." I murmur to myself. I can see Malfoy smiling from the corner of my eye. He walks towards me and grabs me by the waist. He lifts me up from the table to put me back down and for a split second our eyes meet in a filled with meaning stare midair.

"I apologise again for my impulsiveness." He picks up his hot chocolate and grabs me by the hand. "Let's take it as slow as you wish." He tightly grips my hand. I let out an embarrassed smile. "My bedroom has a balcony with an outstanding view of the fields. Care to join?" He indicates the hallway that led to the bedrooms with a nod of his head.

"Won't we be cold, though?" I ask, looking through the common room window to see snow pouring heavily from the sky.

"What are blankets and spells for?" He smiles, grabbing his navy blue one from the couch.

I awkwardly follow Malfoy into his room, feeling my cheeks flush at the thought of being somewhere so private to him. He makes his way to the balcony and part of me feels a bit envious at how much bigger his room was compared to mine. Being a Slytherin and having a rich family really did have its perks.

As I come closer to the windows that opened up to the balcony, Malfoy's already casting protective spells. He turns around with a shy smile.

"Come on, now, I don't bite." He invites me closer, and so I finally step outside. "There. I think that should block the wind and the storm." I look around me and the little flocks of snow fall on an invisible barrier above us, creating almost the same effect as raindrops on a glass – and it's absolutely beautiful. I sit down and reach for my wand casting a Bluebell Flame which I kept in a jar I found in the common room. "Clever." Malfoy smiles as he sits down beside me. He covers us both with the blanket ("Thank you.") keeping an awkward distance between our bodies.

I rub my hands together in front of the blue flame, making him eye me.

"Are you cold?" He seems worried.

"No, I'm fine. It's okay." I put my hands back on my lap, smiling awkwardly.

"Don't... don't you want to come closer?" Malfoy asks with his head down, but I could notice his red cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry?" I ask, a bit disoriented.

"You're just... far." He adjusts himself.

"Oh. I-I apologise, I don't really know how to relationship." I kid.

"And you think this is easy for me? I'm used to luring girls into my bed, not my heart!" He jokes.

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment." I laugh and he tags along. After a while, his laugh dies off but I'm still giggling with myself at his cheesiness and when I lift my head back up, Malfoy's looking at me with a sweet smile across his lips.

"C'mere." He opens up one of his arms and I hop myself closer into his embrace. I wrap the blanket around us and he sighs. "This is more like it."

We remain cuddled for a very long time, just watching the snow fall and chatting over our hot chocolate. All was peaceful and oddly warm when suddenly we hear a noise from the common room. We both look at each other, wondering what to do.

"I'll go check." He gets up, making the side of my body that was being held close to him feel cold. I play with my empty mug and suddenly hear his voice call from the hallway. "Hermione?" The simple fact that he called me by my first name already made my heart flutter. I get up and go to him, standing at the end of the bedroom hallway that led to the origin of the noise. "I think it's Christmas." He says, looking at the tree that usually adorned the room – which was now lit up, covered with snow and with presents under it.

Stormy Grey & Hazel Brown - A White Christmas TaleWhere stories live. Discover now