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My name is Leo Fuka, yes I know Leo doesn't sounds very eastern but Fuka does. Well that's for the reason that as a child I lost my family in an accident. In that same accident, me and my brother ended up in a coma. I woke up from it he still hasn't. But just when life was getting back to normal and I could start grieving I got the happy news we were adopted into the Fuka family and we would both be taken care of. The only downside we moved from our home to Japan. For my first year, I struggled with Japanese and when I was finally fluent enough I was sent to high school as the heir of the Fuka family nonetheless.

Now you think a person like me might be very popular but the opposite actually. Me having ashen short hair blue eyes pale skin and a foreign look has become a stigma. I stand out from others so they easily know who I am and ever since 'that' happened everyone knows who to bully or avoid it seems I'm nothing more than a plaything for them now.

Before I get into the story I must first still explain 'that'. When I entered this school I was already famous for writing it is also how I think I became the Fuka heir. That combined with me being unique and not to bad looking made me fall in good taste with the girls. Now Nami Kazawaki is the most popular girl in our school she had a long slim figure with all the right sizes a pretty face and beautiful black long hair which she actually dyed it was once red. A Lot of guys liked her but it was assumed the only guy who had a chance with her was Kazimune Ari. Good height well build short black hair he dyed blonde earrings and a feeling of the most popular guy in school around him. Now, what does this mean to me in the third week of school Ari proudly brags in the middle of the class how easily he could get with Nami. After that, he claims he's gonna ask her out after school. All good and well still nothing to do with me right? The next day I get into school sit down at my desk and wait for the bell. Seconds later I hear an angry voice after that I'm grabbed by the color and told to "explain yourself!". I totally confused of course ask him what to explain. I then get punched right in the face and as me and my chair hit the deck I get extremely angry. After that, I get up and ask him "so what did I do that warranted that" while I wipe my face of blood. "She says she only wants you not me you bastard" he replies. "How is that my fault I don't choose her feelings" I replied. "You better not hurt her you useless prick I bet she only feels pity cause your parents were such idiots and went and got themselves killed" he said. After hearing that I was done first I decked him then his two friends. I then kinda punched his face in and gave him some kicks after. No one even dared stop me. When I was finally done Nami still wanted me but I told her she should stay away from she would only bring me more problems. Thinking back on it that was a bad idea it seems that was my only chance for social interaction it seems everyone either hates me or is scared of coming near me.

And before you ask yes I was in a club keep in mind the was. I left the kendo club cause people would call it training and beat me up unarmed. Now a year later I'm in my second year I have 0 friends 0 social contacts but at least I have my work. 

I lost all hope after being asked outWhere stories live. Discover now