Shizu's past

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I....didn't have the best upbringing. You could say that maybe I deserved it for what I am. But maybe you feel sympathy or....pity. I really couldn't care less for I'm about to tell you something...something that I rule my life by. I'm a Demon hunter. I will kill every demon I come across. And eventually I'll kill myself because I myself am half demon. Now I'm guessing you want a reason as to why I swear to kill demons when I am also a demon? I'll tell you then. My mother and father were so happy together and even happier after they had me. But that had to end somewhere of course seeing as I am a cursed child. My father became greedy for power. And so he made a contract with a demon. Sell my soul to the demon and my father would become immortal. He agreed but before the contract could be completed my mother sacrificed herself to save me by giving her own soul, though the demon had already taken half of mine making me part demon. The demon was angered that he couldn't have my soul so he killed my father shattering the unfinished contract and left me to die. That demon ruined my family. It ruined my life.

Now since you are going to read my story you need to know some things about demons. They are not like you think. They are actually very beautiful creatures yet deadly as death itself. Their physical appearance is stunning, that's how they lure in their prey. Now how they feed is also different to how you think. Actually they're basically vampires but they don't just drink your blood. They devour your soul through your blood. Yet the strangest part is that they can also save others by giving their own blood to the person they are trying to save....... But that's unlikely.... Demons don't care for others, only theirselves.

Now demons have to feed at least once every month or they begin to decompose oddly enough. Now I'm guessing your wondering where that leaves me huh? Well since I'm only half demon I don't really need to feed.....well I do I just don't. So therefore I'm slowly dying and I should be dead in another year....just like I planned.

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