Pt. 16

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Victoria: on the phone Why didn't cassie do it?........I knew she was gonna flake......whatever it's done listen YOU better not fuck up gotta go bye. Looks up Hi Laurie

Laurie : Hi Vic any messages for me?

Victoria: No but what happen to spin

Laurie: Come again

Victoria: I mean it's all over the news

Laurie: Victoria I can assure you nothing is on the news about my boy. I will be the first one to know if anything happens. On that note what is it you are referring too.

Victoria: trying to play it off Well I guess you can say I heard and supposedly Spin was jumped outside the club and was sent to the hospital

Laurie: WHAAAT ! Are you sure

Victoria: Pretty sure

Laurie: I find it strange how you know before me.

Laurie walks away

Victoria: under her breath That was a close one.

Yn pov

Yn: (on the phone with Danny) Yessss can you believe I met him and spoke to him. " I'm happy for you Yn. Who would have known you would be helping your obsession" Haa Haa Haaa very fun but anyways how are you doing "Im well ready to be with my family" Same here. Are you ready for the flight "Of course not but I have no choice" You'll be fine. Jay keeps asking but I don't want to tell her I want it to be a surprise "Im ready to see my baby" Okay well I'm about to drive off talk to you later "Be safe"

Pulling up to her house

Yn: Jakie

Jakie: Upstairs

Yn: Can you believe it

Jakie: Nahh how you stay soo calm

Yn: It was hard I just wanted to jump and scream but I was at work

Jakie: Well did you at least get his number

Yn: Noo he asked but then I thought why waste my time and get my hopes up. He's probably too busy so I passed

Jakie: Are you shitin me

Yn: watch your mouth

Jakie: Are you kidding here is your lover boy asking YOU for your number and you say no. Do you ever just not think about it too much and go with the flow. Live on the wild side for once

Yn: I am fine with the life I live. walks to Jays room Hows my lovebug doing

Jay: Good mommy. Can we go to the park today?

Yn: looks at the time I don't see why not I can run while you play. How does that sound?

Jay: Good. Then ice cream

Yn: Then ice cream. Get ready

At the park

Yn: You sure you don't want to go for a run around the field

Jakie: Noooooooooo I rather watch Jayjay play

Yn: Okay. Jay be careful ok

Jay: running I will mommmmyyy

Yn takes off for a run

Diggy pov: I was awakened by the sound of my phone. I rubbed my eyes to see who was calling "Laurie" fuck I'm gonna hear it now.

Diggy: (one the phone ) Hello. "I've been trying to reach you since the morning" Sorry I was a mess "Well how is he" He's good he will be released tomorrow "Good good any idea how it happened" No he doesn't remember, how much did Roger tell you "Diggy I haven't spoken to him. All the information I got was from Victoria" Victoria "Yes as soon as I walked in" The media is quick "That's what I thought at first, but there's nothing. Even now as we speak there is nothing" The how "That's what I've been asking myself" When I found Spin Cassie was right there. "You don't think" All I know is something isn't right last week Jazz and Cassie were seen at my event and Victoria still talks to Cassie "Look before we start accusing and saying names we need to gather up the facts" Your right but we should hit up the studio sometime next week. "Take the week off with Spin make sure you look out for that boy" Always.

I ended the call then it went to my IG page. Can't lie I was creepin on Yn page. I decided to dm her since I ain't get no number. Dm message Wyd I looked over at Spin who was moaning in pain. Then my phone rings. She dm'd me a picture of her and her little one at the park then I see she posted the same picture on her tl caption: finally off of work and getting some sun with my lovebug #quitcreepin I couldn't help but laugh got caught.

An: Sorry I've been MIA but I'm back

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