104 Falling Slow

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Yn: He's not talking to me

Sandra: That boy. You know this is exactly how he acted when you were with that boy. Of course he couldn't just pick up and go. So instead he locked himself in his room. Just give him time he'll come around

Yn: Sometimes it feels like he says half the things in his head then he tells me the second half

Sandra: Oh I know exactly what you mean. You'd be surprised they don't get any better

Yn: Hahaa well isn't that lovely

Sandra: I'm surprised how attached Jay is to Devon

Yn: I know

Sandra: I'm glad she's the way she is. Very kind and open

Yn: Thank God

Sandra: Well she has an amazing mom

Yn: Aww thank you

Sandra: You know whatever happens between you and Dan you always have us, and him. Boy knows he can't stay mad for long

Yn: Thank you, you know I really appreciate you guys for everything. You guys really are my family.

Sandra: I'm so proud of you. Everything is unfolding for you perfectly

Yn: Did Danny tell you I spoke to my dad

Sandra: He did. Is he coming today

Yn: Yeah. I also invited Sean I hope you don't mind

Sandra: Of course not. But I thought you were seeing that guy...............Diggy is it

Yn: Yeah I'm just not ready to be out there with him you know

Just then Danny's dad walked in

Mike: Yn your friends are here

Yn: Oh daam is it 3 already

Mike: About

Sandra: Go get ready hun I'll finish up here. Mike show them to the back

Mike: Alright

Yn started getting ready. She was getting calls and text messages asking her where she was at.


Danny: You'll do great babe

Selena: Okay i need to stop second thinking myself

Danny: Exactly.

Danny hugged her

Danny: You're gonna do great

Selena: Thanks babe. You guys should go take your seats.

Selena kissed him

Danny: Come on Jay

Jay: Is it starting

Danny: Almost

Danny and Jay were heading to their seats. Once the sat down. The show was starting. Selena was putting a show for her charity event. When she was presented everyone stood up clapped and cheered. Danny clapped and cheered her on too. Selena smiled.

Selena: (on mic) Thank you all for coming today. This charity means everything to me. I've put my heart and soul and tears into this. So seeing each one of you come out and support this.....makes everything worth wild. I want to thank my family who's supported everything I've believed in and a special thanks to the special man in my life Danny, for showing me the light when I couldn't see. Thank for giving me the reassurance I need

Never a Failure Always A lesson (diggy story)Where stories live. Discover now