Chapter 4

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Kylie's POV

Friday comes, and Mackenzie and I are getting ready for the game. We help each other with our hair and makeup.

We've both been wearing our jerseys ever since we got home from school. We're ready.

"I'm so thankful Natalie was able to come watch Tripp, thanks for asking her by the way." Mackenzie says, putting the makeup away.

"It's no big deal, you have to go to the game and you need a break."

Natalie is a friend of Mackenzie and I, she's watched Tripp in the past, and was more than willing to watch him tonight. She's in a class of mine this year.

"It's a must." She laughs.

Mackenzie goes and checks on Tripp, who is in his crib sleeping.

A knock on the door startles me a bit as I'm caught off guard by scrolling through Jamie and I's texting conversation from earlier. He makes me laugh.

I answer the door, and it's Natalie.

"I hope I'm not late." She says, coming inside.

"No, there's still a few minutes left until we should leave." I assure her.

Mackenzie enters the room.

"He's sleeping. I've got a couple bottles in the fridge and most everything else, if needed, is pretty easy to find. Make yourself at home." Mackenzie rambles on. She's getting stressed, I can tell. I know she doesn't like the fact that she is about to leave Tripp, but she needs this.

"Alright. You have a good time guys." Natalie smiles as I open the door, anxious. Mackenzie acts hesitate to walk out the door.

"He'll be fine, he's been with Natalie before." I assure her as we drive to the AAC. Every time I look over at her, she's looking out the window, or looking at her nails, or clenching her hands to thighs.

"I know, I know."

We arrive, getting the best parking spot we could.

"Are you as excited as I am?" I jump a little as we walk inside. She laughs.

"I'm getting there."

It's a relief seeing her loosen up.

"We've got seat right behind the Stars bench, so we'll be able to see the guys when they're there." I nudge her arm, making her smile.

We make our way down to our seats, just in time as the guys are heading out onto the ice for warmups.

I see Tyler look over towards our direction, a smile appearing on his face. He skates over to Jamie, tapping his stick on his shin and pointing in our direction. Jamie's face lights up.

They both skate over, totally not making it obvious that they are only coming over to the bench to see us.

We give them a wave, but don't want them to get in trouble for being over here too long. Our little "go away" hand gesture obviously doesn't work as they make goofy faces at us every chance they get. They shove each other back and forth before skating off.

"Those two, I swear." Mackenzie laughs.

"I'm not going to question them." I laugh along.

The game starts, and they're playing the Predators.

Late in the first, Tyler scores off a pass from Jamie, making us both scream in excitement, rising to our feet.

"That was beautiful!" I say, thrilled.

Change In Play // Tyler Seguin & Jamie BennWhere stories live. Discover now