Protocol - Part 2

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The air had an ability to warn of forthcoming omens, Saakhi believed. Fragrance of moss before a drying well, rotting rice preceding fermentation houses, fertile earth before the rain - it was reliable to her tongue.

All she could taste in the air entering her lungs right now was a regretful danger. It hit with a bitterness to the back of her throat.

When neither side spoke for a minute too long, Val Gunshi cleared his throat and folded his hands in greeting, addressing the uninvited guests with a formal smile.

"This is a pleasant surprise, Princess, young Prince," he didn't move from beside Oorja but kept his body language welcoming, "Swatan did not expect your arrival at such early hours. We hope it is a good news that brings you to our home."

"My sister-in-law, the crown princess of Torni, sends her best wishes and asked us to bring you gifts of friendship," the young prince announced, his turquoise turban bejewelled with a line of pearls at its borders. He was no older than Tejo, closer to Nami's age if accurate, but his chin jutted with a show of importance that spoke less of confidence and more of need for dominance. His royal dagger was sheathed at waist and Saakhi absently wondered if he ever used it, the polish spotless on it.

"Gifts, my ass," Ezhil muttered from behind and Saakhi heard him muffle a yelp when his mother presumably pinched his arm.

She could see the small clutter of trunks and drums along with many other things resting behind the first line of guests. They were a small troop, four important ones and about ten helpers.

"Do we not get a welcome?" the royal guard asked and his tone suggested veiled threat, raising hackles in the fast gathering crowd of Swatan's residents. However, Val stepped forward before any further comment and began walking towards the other side of the gate. Without prompting, Piba followed him while Minar inched closer to Oorja. From her view Saakhi could see the way Minar's hand gently brushed the arm of her friend's chair, unnoticeable to those who weren't observing too keenly. She stood there while Val unlocked the safety measure and gestured for the guests to enter, looking at the guard calmly.

"We are always happy to have friends," he assured and Saakhi admired the pointed message in the polite declaration.

As the crowd parted to let them in, Saakhi moved with Imay to stand beside Minar and Oorja. She didn't know if it was a trick of the sun but she could swear that Princess Yaali's gaze shifted to linger on her for a second after a look at Minar.

"Oh," the princess paused as they were a few feet into Swatan and turned to look over her shoulder directly at Minar, "We also brought the finest cattle from Torni. They seem to have trouble coming in though. Could one of you please help our people with that? Perhaps, Paher Min- ah, Saanjh, wasn't it?"

Saakhi felt Minar stiffen slightly, still subtle compared to the way Tejo exchanged a worried look with Piba. However, Minar nodded wordlessly before turning around to go help the cattle come in as the rest of them walked in.

"You go in," Saakhi told Imay quietly as she looked between the princess and Minar, "I'll come in a bit."

Imay didn't tell her to be careful but nodded and left with the leaders, following them to the central camp area where the most important meetings were held. Saakhi walked out of the gate and jogged to reach where Minar was walking towards the helpers who were trying to drag the cattle in. Cattle was a tame word for what those were, Saakhi thought as she took a look at their built and painted horns.

Minar paused a few feet away from them and Saakhi slowed to a halt, looking over to see the woman's face try hard to not turn sallow. Her hands were curling into fists at her side and her throat worked a second, swallowing hard.

Will Of InfinityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora